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2010-09-27 13:56:28 +00:00
LA: linear algebra C++ interface library
Copyright (C) 2010 Jiri Pittner <> or <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef _CSRMAT_H_
#define _CSRMAT_H_
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "la_traits.h"
#include "sparsemat.h"
#include "sparsesmat.h"
#include "vec.h"
#include "mat.h"
#include "smat.h"
#include "qsort.h"
#ifdef CUDALA
#include "cusparse.h"
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
namespace LA {
//compressed row format read-efficient matrix storage
template <typename T>
class CSRMat
SPMatindex nn;
SPMatindex mm;
SPMatindex nnz;
int *count;
SPMatindex *rowptr;
SPMatindex *col;
T *v;
#ifdef CUDALA
GPUID location;
cusparseMatDescr_t descr;
CSRMat() : nn(0), mm(0), nnz(0), count(NULL), rowptr(NULL), col(NULL), v(NULL) {};
CSRMat(const CSRMat &rhs);
explicit CSRMat(const SPMatindex n, const SPMatindex m);
explicit CSRMat(const SPMatindex n);
explicit CSRMat(const SparseMat<T> &rhs);
explicit CSRMat(const SparseSMat<T> &rhs);
explicit CSRMat(const NRSMat<T> &rhs);
explicit CSRMat(const NRMat<T> &rhs);
CSRMat & operator=(const CSRMat &rhs);
void copyonwrite();
void resize(const SPMatindex nn, const SPMatindex mm);
2011-01-18 14:37:05 +00:00
void dealloc(void) {resize(0,0);}
2010-09-27 13:56:28 +00:00
void moveto(GPUID destination);
void clear();
inline int getcount() const {return count?*count:0;}
inline const CSRMat operator*(const T &rhs) const {return CSRMat(*this) *= rhs;}
inline const CSRMat operator+(const T &rhs) const {return CSRMat(*this) += rhs;}
inline const CSRMat operator-(const T &rhs) const {return CSRMat(*this) -= rhs;}
inline const CSRMat operator+(const CSRMat &rhs) const {return CSRMat(*this) += rhs;}
inline const CSRMat operator-(const CSRMat &rhs) const {return CSRMat(*this) -= rhs;}
CSRMat & operator*=(const T &a); //multiply by a scalar
CSRMat & operator=(const T &a); //assign a to diagonal
CSRMat & operator+=(const T &a); //assign a to diagonal
CSRMat & operator-=(const T &a); //assign a to diagonal
void axpy(const T alpha, const CSRMat &x, const bool transp=0); // this+= a*x
inline CSRMat & operator+=(const CSRMat &rhs) {axpy((T)1,rhs); return *this;};
inline CSRMat & operator-=(const CSRMat &rhs) {axpy((T)-1,rhs); return *this;};
const T* diagonalof(NRVec<T> &, const bool divide=0, bool cache=false) const; //get diagonal
void gemv(const T beta, NRVec<T> &r, const char trans, const T alpha, const NRVec<T> &x) const;
inline const NRVec<T> operator*(const NRVec<T> &rhs) const {NRVec<T> result(nn); this->gemv((T)0,result,'n',(T)1,rhs); return result;};
typename LA_traits<T>::normtype norm(const T scalar=(T)0) const;
inline const CSRMat operator*(const CSRMat &rhs) const {CSRMat<T> r(nn,mm); r.gemm(0,*this,'n',rhs,'n',1); return r;};
void gemm(const T beta, const CSRMat &a, const char transa, const CSRMat &b, const char transb, const T alpha); //this := alpha*op( A )*op( B ) + beta*this
inline SPMatindex length() {return nnz;};
void transposeme() const {laerror("in-place transposition not implemented for CSRMat");};
CSRMat transpose(bool conj=false) const {laerror("CSR transpose not implemented");}
void get(int fd, bool dimen, bool transp);
void put(int fd, bool dimen, bool transp) const;
int nrows() const {return nn;}
int ncols() const {return mm;}
/*class iterator {//not efficient, just for output to ostreams
matel<T> *p;
matel<T> my;
SPMatindex mynn;
SPMatindex mymm;
//compiler-generated iterator & operator=(const iterator &rhs);
//compiler-generated iterator(const iterator &rhs);
iterator(const CSRMat &rhs)
iterator operator++()
iterator(matel<T> *q) {p=q; col=NULL;}//just for end()
//compiler-generated ~iterator() {};
bool operator!=(const iterator &rhs) const {return p!=rhs.p;} //only for comparison with end()
bool operator==(const iterator &rhs) const {return p==rhs.p;} //only for comparison with end()
matel<T> & operator*() const {return *p;}
matel<T> * operator->() const {return p;}
bool notend() const {return (bool)p;};
iterator begin() const {return iterator(*this);}
iterator end() const {return iterator(NULL);}
2011-01-18 14:37:05 +00:00
template <typename T>
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const CSRMat<T> &x);
template <class T>
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream &s, CSRMat<T> &x);
2010-09-27 13:56:28 +00:00
#endif //_CSRMAT_H_