continuing on permutations - implemented Sn characters
This commit is contained in:
@ -3133,19 +3133,28 @@ NRMat<T>& NRMat<T>::swap_rows_cols(){
//permutation matrix
template<typename T>
void NRMat<T>::axpy(const T alpha, const NRPerm<int> &p, const bool direction)
int n=p.size();
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i)
if(direction) (*this)(i,p[i+1]-1) +=alpha;
else (*this)(p[i+1]-1,i) += alpha;
template<typename T>
NRMat<T>::NRMat(const NRPerm<int> &p, const bool direction)
int n=p.size();
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i)
if(direction) (*this)(i,p[i+1]-1)=1;
else (*this)(p[i+1]-1,i)=1;
//apply permutations
template<typename T>
const NRMat<T> NRMat<T>::permuted_rows(const NRPerm<int> &p, const bool inverse) const
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ namespace LA {
//forward declaration
template<typename T> class NRPerm;
template<typename T> class CyclePerm;
template<typename T> class NRMat_from1;
@ -124,6 +125,7 @@ public:
void permuteme_cols(const CyclePerm<int> &p); //in place
void scale_row(const int i, const T f); //in place
void scale_col(const int i, const T f); //in place
void axpy(const T alpha, const NRPerm<int> &p, const bool direction);
explicit NRMat(const NRPerm<int> &p, const bool direction); //permutation matrix
@ -777,14 +777,12 @@ PERM_RANK_TYPE Partition<T>::Un_irrep_dim(const int n) const
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!this->is_valid()) laerror("operation with an invalid partition");
std::cout<<"TEST "<<nparts()<<" "<<n<<std::endl;
if(nparts()>n) return 0; //too antisymmetric partition
int i,j;
double prod;
int r=this->size();
NRVec_from1<int> p(n);
for(i=1;i<=n;i++) p[i]= (i<=r?(*this)[i]:0)+n-i;
std::cout<<"TEST "<<p<<std::endl;
@ -903,6 +901,36 @@ return s;
template <typename T>
int Partition<T>::parity() const
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!this->is_valid()) laerror("operation with an invalid partition");
T n_even_cycles=0;
T n=this->size();
for(T i=1; i<=n; ++i)
if((*this)[i]!=0 && ((*this)[i] &1 ) ==0) ++n_even_cycles;
return (n_even_cycles&1)?-1:1;
template <typename T>
int CompressedPartition<T>::parity() const
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!this->is_valid()) laerror("operation with an invalid partition");
T n_even_cycles=0;
T n=this->size();
for(T i=2; i<=n; i+=2) n_even_cycles += (*this)[i];
return (n_even_cycles&1)?-1:1;
/*see M. Aigner - Combinatorial Theory - number of partitions of number n*/
#define MAXPART 260
@ -967,7 +995,7 @@ if(!frame.is_valid()) laerror("invalid partition used as young frame");
int nlines=frame.nparts();
for(int i=1; i<=nlines; ++i) (*this)[i].resize(frame[i]);
for(int i=1; i<=nlines; ++i) {(*this)[i].resize(frame[i]); (*this)[i].clear();}
template <typename T>
@ -984,10 +1012,10 @@ return true;
template <typename T>
int YoungTableaux<T>::sum() const
T YoungTableaux<T>::sum() const
#ifdef DEBUG
if(is_valid()) laerror("invalid young frame");
if(!is_valid()) laerror("invalid young frame");
int sum=0;
int nrows=this->size();
@ -995,6 +1023,20 @@ for(int i=1; i<=nrows; ++i) sum += (*this)[i].size();
return sum;
template <typename T>
T YoungTableaux<T>::max() const
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!is_valid()) laerror("invalid young frame");
int m= -1;
int nrows=this->size();
for(int i=1; i<=nrows; ++i) for(int j=1; j<= (*this)[i].size(); ++j) if((*this)[i][j]>m) m=(*this)[i][j];
return m;
template <typename T>
bool YoungTableaux<T>::is_standard() const
@ -1031,6 +1073,348 @@ return s;
template <typename T>
NRVec_from1<T> YoungTableaux<T>::yamanouchi() const
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!is_valid()) laerror("invalid young frame");
int n=sum();
NRVec_from1<T> yama(n);
int i,j;
for (i=1;i<=this->size();i++) for (j=1;j<=(*this)[i].size();j++) yama[n-(*this)[i][j]+1]=i;
return yama;
template <typename T>
T YoungTableaux<T>::character_contribution(int ncyc) const
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!is_valid()) laerror("invalid young frame");
if(!is_standard()) laerror("nonstandardly filled young frame");
if(!ncyc) ncyc=max(); //number of types of applied points
NRVec_from1<T> onxlines(0,ncyc);
for(int i=1;i<=(*this).size();i++) //rows
NRVec_from1<T> wasfound(0,ncyc);
for(int j=1;j<=(*this)[i].size();j++) //columns
T k = (*this)[i][j];
onxlines[k] += (1-wasfound[k]);
/*now sum the number of odd applications for all cycles*/
T contrib=0;
for(int i=1;i<=ncyc;i++) contrib += ((onxlines[i]&1)^1);
return (1-2*(contrib&1)); //add it to the character +1 for even no. of odd apl., -1 for odd no. of odd apl.
template <typename T>
static T _character;
template <typename T>
static YoungTableaux<T> *_tchi;
template <typename T>
static T _nowapplying;
template <typename T>
static T _ncycles;
template <typename T>
static NRVec_from1<T> *_aplnumbers;
template <typename T>
static NRVec_from1<T> *_oclin;
template <typename T>
static NRVec_from1<T> *_occol;
template <typename T>
static T _nn;
template <typename T>
static inline T mymin(T i,T j)
template <typename T>
void placedot(T l, T c)
(*_tchi<T>)[l][c]= _nowapplying<T>;
//forward declaration for recursion
template <typename T>
extern void nextapply(T ncyc);
template <typename T>
void regulapply(T ncyc, T napl) //ncyc is number of cycles; napl is the size of now processed cycle
/*the main idea is that only the first point of each set can be placed
in several independent ways; the other points (if present) must be placed in
a given fixed way depending on the first one; than it is also necessary to test
if the application was successfull at all and return back or call nextapply, respectively*/
Partition<T> usedcols(_nn<T>),usedlines(_nn<T>); //stores the positions where points were placed, is necessary for later cleanup
/*try to place first point*/
for(usedlines[1]=mymin(_tchi<T>->nrows(),(*_occol<T>)[1]+napl); usedlines[1]>0; usedlines[1]--)
if((*_oclin<T>)[usedlines[1]]<=(*_tchi<T>)[usedlines[1]].size()) /*line is not fully occupied*/
int i;
usedcols[1]= (*_oclin<T>)[usedlines[1]]; /*in the line there is only one possible column*/
/* place first point */
for(i=2;i<=napl;i++) usedlines[i]=usedcols[i]= 0; /* flag for cleaning that they were not placed*/
/*now place other ones, if not possible go to irregular*/
T thisrow;
if (thisrow==1)
if((*_oclin<T>)[1]> (*_tchi<T>)[1].size()) goto irregular; /*no place remained*/
placedot((usedlines[i]=1),(usedcols[i]= (*_oclin<T>)[1]));
T thiscol;
if(!(*_tchi<T>)[thisrow-1][thiscol]) /*the box at the top of last placed is free*/
else if((*_oclin<T>)[thisrow] <= (*_tchi<T>)[thisrow].size()) /*the position at the right exists*/
#ifdef DEBUG
if((*_tchi<T>)[thisrow][thiscol+1]) laerror("error in regulapply!!!");
else goto irregular;
/*test if it is regular*/
/*test if the box left and up from actual position is full (provided it exists)*/
if(usedlines[i]>1) if(!(*_tchi<T>)[usedlines[i]-1][usedcols[i]]) goto irregular;
if(usedcols[i]>1) if(!(*_tchi<T>)[usedlines[i]][usedcols[i]-1]) goto irregular;
/* clear all points */
if(usedlines[i]>0 && usedcols[i]>0)
/*end of loop for nonfull lines of first point*/
template <typename T>
void nextapply(T ncyc)
if(ncyc> _ncycles<T>) _character<T> += _tchi<T>->character_contribution(_ncycles<T>);
else regulapply(ncyc,(*_aplnumbers<T>)[ncyc]);
template <typename T>
T Sn_character(const Partition<T> &irrep, const Partition<T> &cclass)
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!irrep.is_valid()||!cclass.is_valid()) laerror("invalid input to Sn_character");
//prepare numbers to apply to the tableaux
int n=irrep.sum();
if(cclass.sum()!=n) laerror("irrep and class partitions do not match");
T ncycles=cclass.nparts();
NRVec_from1<T> aplnumbers(ncycles);
CompressedPartition<T> ccclass(cclass);
T k=0;
for(int j=n;j>0;j--) for(T l=1;l<=ccclass[j];l++) aplnumbers[++k]=j;
/*rotate to the right*/
for(T l=k;l>1;l--) aplnumbers[l]=aplnumbers[l-1];
//applying aplnumbers[i] pieces of "i"
//std::cout<<"TEST aplnumbers "<<aplnumbers<<std::endl;
//prepare static variables for the recursive procedure and generate all regular applications
YoungTableaux<T> y(irrep);
//y.clear(); //already done in the constructor
_ncycles<T> =ncycles;
_tchi<T> = &y;
_nn<T> = n;
_nowapplying<T> =0;
_aplnumbers<T> = &aplnumbers;
_character<T> =0;
_oclin<T> = new Partition<T>(n);
_occol<T> = new Partition<T>(n);
for(int i=1; i<=n; ++i) (*_oclin<T>)[i]= (*_occol<T>)[i]= 1;
delete _occol<T>;
delete _oclin<T>;
return _character<T>;
template <typename T>
static NRVec_from1<CompressedPartition<T> > *_irreps;
template <typename T>
static NRVec_from1<CompressedPartition<T> > *_classes;
template <typename T>
static PERM_RANK_TYPE _ithrough;
template <typename T>
static void _process_partition(const Partition<T> &p)
(*_irreps<T>)[_ithrough<T>] = CompressedPartition<T>(p);
Partition<T> q=p.adjoint();
(*_classes<T>)[_ithrough<T>] = CompressedPartition<T>(q);
template <typename T>
Sn_characters<T>::Sn_characters(const int n0)
Partition<T> p(n);
PERM_RANK_TYPE np = partitions(n);
_irreps<T> = &irreps;
_classes<T> = &classes;
_ithrough<T> = 0;
//generate partitions for classes and irreps
PERM_RANK_TYPE tot=p.generate_all(_process_partition<T>);
//compute class sizes
for(int i=1; i<=np; ++i) classsizes[i]= classes[i].Sn_class_size();
//compute characters
for(int i=1; i<=np; ++i)
for(int j=1; j<=np; ++j)
chi(i,j) = Sn_character<T>(irreps[i],classes[j]);
template <typename T>
bool Sn_characters<T>::is_valid() const
//consistency of n and partition number
PERM_RANK_TYPE np = partitions(n);
if(np!=classes.size() || np!=irreps.size() || np!=classsizes.size() ||np!=chi.nrows() ||np!=chi.ncols()) return false;
//consistency of sum = n in all partitions
for(int i=1; i<=np; ++i)
if(irreps[i].sum()!=n) return false;
if(classes[i].sum()!=n) return false;
//consistency of irrep dim squared to n!
//consistency of irrep dimensions by hook length formula to character of identity (asserted as class no. 1)
if(classes[1][1]!=n) laerror("assetion failed on class no. 1 being identity");
PERM_RANK_TYPE nf = factorial(n);
for(int i=1; i<=np; ++i)
T d=chi(i,1);
s += d*d;
T dd=Partition<T>(irreps[i]).Sn_irrep_dim();
if(d!=dd) return false;
if(s!=nf) return false;
//consistency of class sizes sum to n!
s=0; for(int i=1; i<=np; ++i) s+= classsizes[i];
if(s!=nf) return false;
//check that irrep [n] is totally symmetric
if(irreps[1][n]!=1) laerror("assetion failed on first irrep being [n]");
for(int i=1; i<=np; ++i) if(chi(1,i)!=1) return false;
//check that irrep[1^n] is totally antisymmetric
if(irreps[np][1]!=n) laerror("assetion failed on last irrep being [1^n]");
for(int i=1; i<=np; ++i) if(chi(np,i)!=classes[i].parity()) return false;
//check character orthonormality between irreps
for(int i=1; i<=np; ++i) for(int j=1; j<=i; ++j)
for(int k=1; k<=np; ++k) s+= classsizes[k]*chi(i,k)*chi(j,k);
if(s!=nf) return false;
if(s!=0) return false;
return true;
template <typename T>
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Sn_characters<T> &c)
//@@@improve formatting
s<<"S"<<c.n<<" "<<c.classsizes;
for(int i=1; i<=c.classes.size(); ++i) s<<"("<<c.classes[i]<<") "; s<<std::endl;
for(int i=1; i<=c.chi.nrows(); ++i)
s<<"["<<c.irreps[i]<<"] ";
for(int j=1; j<=c.chi.ncols(); ++j) s<<c.chi(i,j)<<" ";
return s;
* forced instantization in the corresponding object file
@ -1040,13 +1424,15 @@ template class CyclePerm<int>;
template class CompressedPartition<int>;
template class Partition<int>;
template class YoungTableaux<int>;
template class Sn_characters<int>;
#define INSTANTIZE(T) \
template std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &s, CyclePerm<T> &x); \
template std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const CyclePerm<T> &x); \
template std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const CompressedPartition<T> &x); \
template std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const YoungTableaux<T> &x); \
template T Sn_character(const Partition<T> &irrep, const Partition<T> &cclass); \
template std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Sn_characters<T> &x); \
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public:
bool is_valid() const {return this->size() == this->sum();}
explicit CompressedPartition(const Partition<T> &rhs) : NRVec_from1<T>(rhs.size()) {this->clear(); for(int i=1; i<=rhs.size(); ++i) if(!rhs[i]) break; else (*this)[rhs[i]]++; }
PERM_RANK_TYPE Sn_class_size() const;
int parity() const; //of a permutation with given cycle lengths
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ public:
PERM_RANK_TYPE Sn_irrep_dim() const;
PERM_RANK_TYPE Un_irrep_dim(const int n) const;
PERM_RANK_TYPE generate_all(void (*callback)(const Partition<T>&), int nparts=0); //nparts <0 means at most to -nparts
int parity() const; //of a permutation with given cycle lengths
@ -173,10 +173,12 @@ public:
int nrows() const {return this->size();}
int ncols() const {return (*this)[1].size();}
bool is_standard() const; //is it filled in standard way (possibly with repeated numbers)
int sum() const; //get back sum of the partition
NRVec_from1<T> yamanouchi() const; //@@@yamanouchi symbol
T sum() const; //get back sum of the partition
T max() const; //get back highest number filled in
NRVec_from1<T> yamanouchi() const; //yamanouchi symbol
T character_contribution(int ncyc=0) const; //contribution of filled tableaux to Sn character
//@@@ ??>young operator as a linear comb of permutations - maybe a class for itself, i.e. element of the Sn group algebra? or maybe as a vector with index being the rank of the permutation(n! length) or as a sparsemat thereof or maybe a list???
//@@@???action of group algebra elements on vectors and matrices
template <typename T>
@ -185,9 +187,33 @@ std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const YoungTableaux<T> &x);
extern PERM_RANK_TYPE partitions(int n, int k= -1); //enumerate partitions to k parts; k== -1 for total # of partitions
template <typename T>
extern T Sn_character(const Partition<T> &irrep, const Partition<T> &cclass);
template <typename T>
inline T Sn_character(const CompressedPartition<T> &irrep, const CompressedPartition<T> &cclass)
return Sn_character(Partition<T>(irrep),Partition<T>(cclass));
//Sn character table
template <typename T>
class Sn_characters {
T n;
NRVec_from1<CompressedPartition<T> > classes;
NRVec_from1<CompressedPartition<T> > irreps; //can be in different order than classes
NRVec_from1<PERM_RANK_TYPE> classsizes;
NRMat_from1<T> chi; //characters
Sn_characters(const int n0); //compute the table
bool is_valid() const; //check internal consistency
template <typename T>
extern std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Sn_characters<T> &c);
//@@@Sn character table computation from young - young frame filling - routine for one character of one irrep and another for generation of the whole group table (maybe class for a group table too)
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ namespace LA {
//forward declaration
template<typename T> class NRPerm;
template<typename T> class NRSMat_from1;
@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ CompressedPartition qc(q);
cout <<"("<<qc<<')';
cout<<" Class size "<<qc.Sn_class_size()<<endl;
cout <<"Chi= "<<Sn_character(p,q)<<endl;
int nn=p.size();
YoungTableaux<int> y(p);
@ -2127,7 +2129,7 @@ int tot=p.generate_all_lex(printme);
cout <<"generated "<<tot<<endl;
int n;
cin >>n >>unitary_n;
@ -2139,6 +2141,15 @@ if(tot!=partitions(n)) laerror("internal error in partition generation or enumer
if(space_dim!=longpow(unitary_n,n)) {cout<<space_dim<<" "<<ipow(unitary_n,n)<<endl;laerror("integer overflow or internal error in space dimensions");}
int n;
cin >>n ;
Sn_characters<int> Sn(n);
cout <<Sn;
if(!Sn.is_valid()) laerror("internal error in Sn character calculation");
@ -374,16 +374,7 @@ public:
//due to mutual includes this has to be after full class declaration
#include "mat.h"
#include "smat.h"
#include "sparsemat.h"
#include "sparsesmat.h"
namespace LA {
@ -403,7 +394,18 @@ public:
inline T& operator[] (const int i);
//due to mutual includes this has to be after full class declaration
#include "mat.h"
#include "smat.h"
#include "sparsemat.h"
#include "sparsesmat.h"
//needs NRVec_from1
#include "permutation.h"
namespace LA {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user