*** empty log message ***
This commit is contained in:
@ -285,6 +285,53 @@ void diagonalize(NRMat<double> &a, NRVec<double> &w, const bool eivec,
extern "C" void FORNAME(zheev)(const char *JOBZ, const char *UPLO, const int *N,
complex<double> *A, const int *LDA, double *W, double *WORK, const int *LWORK, int *INFO);
extern "C" void FORNAME(zhegv)(const int *ITYPE, const char *JOBZ, const char *UPLO, const int *N,
complex<double> *A, const int *LDA, complex<double> *B, const int *LDB, double *W, double *WORK, const int *LWORK, int *INFO);
// a will contain eigenvectors (columns if corder==1), w eigenvalues
void diagonalize(NRMat<complex<double> > &a, NRVec<double> &w, const bool eivec,
const bool corder, int n, NRMat<complex<double> > *b, const int itype)
int m = a.nrows();
if (m != a.ncols()) laerror("diagonalize() call with non-square matrix");
if (a.nrows() != w.size())
laerror("inconsistent dimension of eigenvalue vector in diagonalize()");
if(n==0) n=m;
if(n<0||n>m) laerror("actual dimension out of range in diagonalize");
if(b) if(n>b->nrows() || n> b->ncols()) laerror("wrong B matrix dimension in diagonalize");
if(b) b->copyonwrite();
int r = 0;
char U ='U';
char vectors = 'V';
if (!eivec) vectors = 'N';
int LWORK = -1;
double WORKX;
int ldb=0; if(b) ldb=b->ncols();
// First call is to determine size of workspace
if(b) FORNAME(zhegv)(&itype,&vectors, &U, &n, a, &m, *b, &ldb, w, &WORKX, &LWORK, &r );
else FORNAME(zheev)(&vectors, &U, &n, a, &m, w, &WORKX, &LWORK, &r );
double *WORK = new double[LWORK];
if(b) FORNAME(zhegv)(&itype,&vectors, &U, &n, a, &m, *b,&ldb, w, WORK, &LWORK, &r );
else FORNAME(zheev)(&vectors, &U, &n, a, &m, w, WORK, &LWORK, &r );
delete[] WORK;
if (vectors == 'V' && corder) a.transposeme(n);
if (r < 0) laerror("illegal argument in sygv/syev in diagonalize()");
if (r > 0) laerror("convergence problem in sygv/syev in diagonalize()");
extern "C" void FORNAME(dspev)(const char *JOBZ, const char *UPLO, const int *N,
double *AP, double *W, double *Z, const int *LDZ, double *WORK, int *INFO);
@ -324,6 +371,48 @@ void diagonalize(NRSMat<double> &a, NRVec<double> &w, NRMat<double> *v,
extern "C" void FORNAME(zhpev)(const char *JOBZ, const char *UPLO, const int *N,
complex<double> *AP, double *W, complex<double> *Z, const int *LDZ, complex<double> *WORK, double *RWORK, int *INFO);
extern "C" void FORNAME(zhpgv)(const int *ITYPE, const char *JOBZ, const char *UPLO, const int *N,
complex<double> *AP, complex<double> *BP, double *W, complex<double> *Z, const int *LDZ, complex<double> *WORK, double *RWORK, int *INFO);
// v will contain eigenvectors, w eigenvalues
void diagonalize(NRSMat<complex<double> > &a, NRVec<double> &w, NRMat<complex<double> > *v,
const bool corder, int n, NRSMat<complex<double> > *b, const int itype)
if(n<=0) n = a.nrows();
if (v) if (v->nrows() != v ->ncols() || n > v->nrows() || n > a.nrows())
laerror("diagonalize() call with inconsistent dimensions");
if (n==a.nrows() && n != w.size() || n>w.size()) laerror("inconsistent dimension of eigenvalue vector");
if(b) if(n>b->nrows() || n> b->ncols()) laerror("wrong B matrix dimension in diagonalize");
if(v) v->copyonwrite();
if(b) b->copyonwrite();
int r = 0;
char U = 'U';
char job = v ? 'v' : 'n';
complex<double> *WORK = new complex<double>[2*n];
double *RWORK = new double[3*n];
int ldv=v?v->ncols():n;
if(b) FORNAME(zhpgv)(&itype,&job, &U, &n, a, *b, w, v?(*v)[0]:(complex<double> *)0, &ldv, WORK, RWORK, &r );
else FORNAME(zhpev)(&job, &U, &n, a, w, v?(*v)[0]:(complex<double> *)0, &ldv, WORK, RWORK, &r );
delete[] WORK;
delete[] RWORK;
if (v && corder) v->transposeme(n);
if (r < 0) laerror("illegal argument in spgv/spev in diagonalize()");
if (r > 0) laerror("convergence problem in spgv/spev in diagonalize()");
extern "C" void FORNAME(dgesvd)(const char *JOBU, const char *JOBVT, const int *M,
const int *N, double *A, const int *LDA, double *S, double *U, const int *LDU,
double *VT, const int *LDVT, double *WORK, const int *LWORK, int *INFO );
Reference in New Issue
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