/* LA: linear algebra C++ interface library Copyright (C) 2008 Jiri Pittner or This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _davidson_h #define _davidson_h #include "vec.h" #include "smat.h" #include "mat.h" #include "sparsemat.h" #include "nonclass.h" #include "auxstorage.h" //Davidson diagonalization of real symmetric matrix (modified Lanczos) //matrix can be any class which has nrows(), ncols(), diagonalof(), issymmetric(), and gemv() available //does not even have to be explicitly stored - direct CI //therefore the whole implementation must be a template in a header //Note that for efficiency in a direct CI case the diagonalof() should cache its result template extern void davidson(const Matrix &bigmat, NRVec &eivals, NRVec *eivecs, const char *eivecsfile, int nroots=1, const bool verbose=0, const double eps=1e-6, const bool incore=1, int maxit=100, const int maxkrylov = 500); //@@@options: left eigenvectors by matrix transpose, overridesymmetric (for nrmat) //@@@small matrix gdiagonalize - shift complex roots up (option to gdiagonalize?) //@@@test gdiagonalize whether it sorts the roots and what for complex ones //Davidson algorithm: J. Comp. Phys. 17:817 (1975) //@@@implement left eigenvectors for nonsymmetric case template void davidson(const Matrix &bigmat, NRVec &eivals, NRVec *eivecs, const char *eivecsfile, int nroots, const bool verbose, const double eps, const bool incore, int maxit, const int maxkrylov) { bool flag=0; int n=bigmat.nrows(); if ( n!= (int)bigmat.ncols()) laerror("non-square matrix in davidson"); if(eivals.size() vec1(n),vec2(n); NRMat smallH(maxkrylov,maxkrylov),smallS(maxkrylov,maxkrylov),smallV; NRVec r(maxkrylov); NRVec *v0,*v1; AuxStorage *s0,*s1; if(incore) { v0 = new NRVec[maxkrylov]; v1 = new NRVec[maxkrylov]; } else { s0 = new AuxStorage; s1 = new AuxStorage; } int i,j; if(maxkrylov=maxkrylov) nroots =maxkrylov-1; int nroot=0; int oldnroot; smallS=0; smallH=0; //guess based on lowest diagonal element of the matrix const T *diagonal = bigmat.diagonalof(vec2,false,true); vec1=0; {T t=1e100; int i,j; for(i=0, j= -1; iput(vec1,0); if(incore) v1[0]=vec2; else s1->put(vec2,0); //iterative Davidson loop int it; for(it=0; it0) //if this is the first iteration just need to diagonalise the matrix { //update reduced overlap matrix if(incore) v0[krylovsize]=vec1; else s0->put(vec1,krylovsize); for(j=0; jget(vec2,j); smallS(krylovsize,j) = smallS(j,krylovsize) = vec1*(incore?v0[j]:vec2); } smallS(krylovsize,krylovsize) = vec1*vec1; bigmat.gemv(0,vec2,'n',1,vec1); if(incore) v1[krylovsize]=vec2; else s1->put(vec2,krylovsize); //update reduced hamiltonian matrix smallH(krylovsize,krylovsize) = vec1*vec2; for(j=0; jget(vec1,j); smallH(j,krylovsize) = (incore?v0[j]:vec1)*vec2; if(bigmat.issymmetric()) smallH(krylovsize,j) = smallH(j,krylovsize); } if(!bigmat.issymmetric()) { if(!incore) s0->get(vec1,krylovsize); for(j=0; jget(vec2,j); smallH(krylovsize,j) = incore? v1[j]*v0[krylovsize] :vec1*vec2; } } } smallV=smallH; NRMat smallSwork=smallS; if(bigmat.issymmetric()) diagonalize(smallV,r,1,1,krylovsize+1,&smallSwork,1); //for symmetric matrix they have already been sorted to ascending order in lapack else { NRVec ri(krylovsize+1),beta(krylovsize+1); NRMat scratch; scratch=smallV; gdiagonalize(scratch, r, ri,NULL, &smallV, 1, krylovsize+1, 2, 0, &smallSwork, &beta); for(int i=0; i<=krylovsize; ++i) {r[i]/=beta[i]; ri[i]/=beta[i];} } T eival_n=r[nroot]; oldnroot=nroot; typename LA_traits::normtype test=abs(smallV(krylovsize,nroot)); if(testeps) nroot=min(nroot,iroot); if(verbose && iroot<=max(oldnroot,nroot)) { cout <<"Davidson: iter="<=nroots) goto converged; if (it==maxit-1) break; //not converged if (krylovsize==maxkrylov) //restart, krylov space exceeded { if(nroot!=0) {flag=1; goto finished;} smallH=0; smallS=0; vec1=0; for(i=0; i<=krylovsize; ++i) { if(!incore) s0->get(vec2,i); vec1.axpy(smallV(i,0),incore?v0[i]:vec2); } s0->put(vec1,0); vec1.normalize(); krylovsize = 0; continue; } //generate the update vector vec1=0; for(j=0; j<=krylovsize; ++j) { if(!incore) s0->get(vec2,j); vec1.axpy(-r[nroot]*smallV(j,nroot),incore?v0[j]:vec2); if(!incore) s1->get(vec2,j); vec1.axpy(smallV(j,nroot),incore?v1[j]:vec2); } diagonal = bigmat.diagonalof(vec2,false,true); eival_n = r[nroot]; for(i=0; i::normtype vnorm; if(!incore) s0->get(vec2,j); do { T ab = vec1*(incore?v0[j]:vec2) /smallS(j,j); vec1.axpy(-ab,incore?v0[j]:vec2); vnorm = vec1.norm(); vec1 *= (1./vnorm); } while (vnorm<0.99); } //here it is possible to apply some purification procedure if the eivector has to fulfill other conditions //vec1.normalize(); //after the purification ++krylovsize; //enlarge Krylov space } flag=1; goto finished; converged: AuxStorage::elementtype> *ev; if(eivecsfile) ev = new AuxStorage::elementtype>(eivecsfile); if(verbose) {cout << "Davidson converged in "<get(vec2,j); vec1.axpy(smallV(j,nroot),incore?v0[j]:vec2); } vec1.normalize(); if(eivecs) eivecs[nroot]|=vec1; if(eivecsfile) { ev->put(vec1,nroot); } } } if(eivecsfile) delete ev; finished: if(incore) {delete[] v0; delete[] v1;} else {delete s0; delete s1;} if(flag) laerror("no convergence in davidson"); } #endif