/* LA: linear algebra C++ interface library Copyright (C) 2021 Jiri Pittner or This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "permutation.h" #include #include namespace LA { template void NRPerm::identity() { T n=this->size(); #ifdef DEBUG if(n<0) laerror("invalid permutation size"); #endif if(n==0) return; this->copyonwrite(); for(T i=1; i<=n; ++i) (*this)[i]=i; } template bool NRPerm::is_identity() const { T n=this->size(); #ifdef DEBUG if(n<0) laerror("invalid permutation size"); #endif if(n==0) return 1; for(T i=1; i<=n; ++i) if((*this)[i]!=i) return 0; return 1; } template bool NRPerm::is_valid() const { T n = this->size(); if(n<0) return 0; NRVec_from1 used(n); used.clear(); for(T i=1; i<=n; ++i) { T x= (*this)[i]; if(x<1||x>n) return 0; used[x] += 1; } for(T i=1; i<=n; ++i) if(used[i]!=1) return 0; return 1; } template NRPerm NRPerm::inverse() const { #ifdef DEBUG if(!this->is_valid()) laerror("inverse of invalid permutation"); #endif NRPerm q(this->size()); for(T i=1; i<=this->size(); ++i) q[(*this)[i]]=i; return q; } template NRPerm NRPerm::operator*(const NRPerm q) const { #ifdef DEBUG if(!this->is_valid() || !q.is_valid()) laerror("multiplication of invalid permutation"); #endif T n=this->size(); if(n!=q.size()) laerror("product of incompatible permutations"); NRPerm r(n); for(T i=1; i<=n; ++i) r[i] = (*this)[q[i]]; return r; } template NRPerm NRPerm::conjugate_by(const NRPerm q) const { #ifdef DEBUG if(!this->is_valid() || !q.is_valid()) laerror("multiplication of invalid permutation"); #endif T n=this->size(); if(n!=q.size()) laerror("product of incompatible permutations"); NRPerm qi=q.inverse(); NRPerm r(n); for(T i=1; i<=n; ++i) r[i] = qi[(*this)[q[i]]]; return r; } template int NRPerm::parity() const { if(!this->is_valid()) return 0; T n=this->size(); if(n==1) return 1; T count=0; for(T i=2;i<=n;i++) for(T j=1;j(*this)[i]) count++; return (count&1)? -1:1; } template NRPerm::NRPerm(const CyclePerm &rhs, const int n) { #ifdef DEBUG if(!rhs.is_valid()) laerror("invalid cycle permutation"); #endif int m; if(n) m=n; else m=rhs.max(); this->resize(m); identity(); T ncycles=rhs.size(); for(T j=1; j<=ncycles; ++j) { T length= rhs[j].size(); for(T i=1; i<=length; ++i) (*this)[rhs[j][i]] = rhs[j][i%length+1]; } #ifdef DEBUG if(!is_valid()) laerror("internal error in NRPerm constructor from CyclePerm"); #endif } template void NRPerm::randomize(void) { int n=this->size(); if(n<=0) laerror("cannot randomize empty permutation"); this->copyonwrite(); this->identity(); for(int i=n-1; i>=1; --i) { int j= random()%(i+1); T tmp = (*this)[i+1]; (*this)[i+1]=(*this)[j+1]; (*this)[j+1]=tmp; } } template bool NRPerm::next(void) { this->copyonwrite(); int n=this->size(); // Find longest non-increasing suffix and the pivot int i = n; while (i > 1 && (*this)[i-1] >= (*this)[i]) --i; if (i<=1) return false; T piv=(*this)[i-1]; // Find rightmost element greater than the pivot int j = n; while ((*this)[j] <= piv) --j; // Now the value array[j] will become the new pivot, Assertion: j >= i // Swap the pivot with j (*this)[i - 1] = (*this)[j]; (*this)[j] = piv; // Reverse the suffix j = n; while (i < j) { T temp = (*this)[i]; (*this)[i] = (*this)[j]; (*this)[j] = temp; i++; j--; } return true; } //Algorithm L from Knuth's volume 4 template PERM_RANK_TYPE NRPerm::generate_all(void (*callback)(const NRPerm&), int select) { int n=this->size(); NRVec_from1 c(0,n); NRVec_from1 d(1,n); int j,k,s; T q; T t; this->identity(); PERM_RANK_TYPE sumperm=0; p2: sumperm++; if(!select || (select&1) == (sumperm&1)) (*callback)(*this); j=n; s=0; p4: q=c[j]+d[j]; if(q<0) goto p7; if(q==j) goto p6; t=(*this)[j-c[j]+s]; (*this)[j-c[j]+s]=(*this)[j-q+s]; (*this)[j-q+s]=t; c[j]=q; goto p2; p6: if(j==1) goto end; s++; p7: d[j]= -d[j]; j--; goto p4; end: return select? sumperm/2:sumperm; } template static T _n; template static void (*_callback)(const NRPerm& ); PERM_RANK_TYPE _sumperm; template NRPerm *_perm; template void permg(T n) { if(n<= _n) { for(T i=1;i<= _n;i++) { if(!(*_perm)[i]) //place not occupied { (*_perm)[i]=n; permg(n+1); (*_perm)[i]=0; } } } else { _sumperm++; (*_callback)(*_perm); } } template PERM_RANK_TYPE NRPerm::generate_all2(void (*callback)(const NRPerm&)) { this->copyonwrite(); this->clear(); _n = this->size(); _callback =callback; _sumperm=0; _perm = this; permg(1); return _sumperm; } template PERM_RANK_TYPE NRPerm::generate_all_lex(void (*callback)(const NRPerm&)) { PERM_RANK_TYPE np=0; this->identity(); do{ ++np; (*callback)(*this); }while(this->next()); return np; } template PERM_RANK_TYPE NRPerm::rank() const { int c,i,k; PERM_RANK_TYPE r; int n= this->size(); r=0; for (k=1; k<=n; ++k) { T l=(*this)[k]; c=0; for(i=k+1;i<=n;++i) if((*this)[i] NRVec_from1 NRPerm::inversions(const int type, PERM_RANK_TYPE *prank) const { PERM_RANK_TYPE s=0; int n=this->size(); int j,k; T l; NRVec_from1 i(n); i.clear(); switch(type) { case 3: /*number of elements right from p[j] smaller < p[j]*/ for(j=1;jj;--k) { if((*this)[k]p[j]*/ for(j=2;j<=n;++j) /*number of elements left from j bigger >j*/ { l=(*this)[j]; for(k=1;kl) ++i[j]; } } break; case 1: for(j=1;j<=n;++j) /*number of elements right from j smaller =1;--k) { if((*this)[k]==j) break; if((*this)[k]j*/ { for(k=1;k<=n;++k) { if((*this)[k]==j) break; if((*this)[k]>j) ++i[j]; } } break; default: laerror("illegal type in inversions"); if(prank) { if(type!=3) laerror("rank can be computed from inversions only for type 3"); l=1; for(j=1;j NRPerm::NRPerm(const int type, const NRVec_from1 &i) { int n=i.size(); this->resize(n); int k,l; T j; switch(type) { case 2: case 1: for(l=0,j=1; j<=n; ++j,++l) { /*shift left and place*/ for(k=n-l+1; k<=n-i[j]; ++k) (*this)[k-1]=(*this)[k]; (*this)[n-i[j]]=j; } break; case 3: case 0: for(l=0,j=n; j>0; --j,++l) { /*shift right and place*/ for(k=l; k>=i[j]+1; --k) (*this)[k+1]=(*this)[k]; (*this)[i[j]+1]=j; } break; default: laerror("illegal type in nrperm from inversions"); } if(type>=2) (*this) = this->inverse(); } template NRPerm::NRPerm(const int n, const PERM_RANK_TYPE rank) { this->resize(n); NRVec_from1 inv(n) ; #ifdef DEBUG if(rank>=factorial(n)) laerror("illegal rank for this n"); #endif inv[n]=0; int k; PERM_RANK_TYPE r=rank; for(k=n-1; k>=0; --k) { PERM_RANK_TYPE t; t=factorial(k); inv[n-k]=r/t; r=r%t; } *this = NRPerm(3,inv); } #define MAXFACT 20 PERM_RANK_TYPE factorial(const int n) { static int ntop=20; static PERM_RANK_TYPE a[MAXFACT+1]={1,1,2,6,24,120,720,5040, 40320, 362880, 3628800, 39916800ULL, 479001600ULL, 6227020800ULL, 87178291200ULL, 1307674368000ULL, 20922789888000ULL, 355687428096000ULL, 6402373705728000ULL, 121645100408832000ULL, 2432902008176640000ULL}; int j; if (n < 0) laerror("negative argument of factorial"); if (n > MAXFACT) laerror("overflow in factorial"); while (ntop CyclePerm:: CyclePerm(const NRPerm &p) { #ifdef DEBUG if(!p.is_valid()) laerror("invalid permutation"); #endif T n=p.size(); NRVec_from1 used(0,n),tmp(n); T firstunused=1; T currentcycle=0; std::list > cyclelist; do { //find a cycle starting with first unused element T cyclelength=0; T next = firstunused; do { ++cyclelength; used[next]=1; tmp[cyclelength] = next; next = p[next]; } while(used[next]==0); if(cyclelength>1) //nontrivial cycle { NRVec_from1 cycle(&tmp[1],cyclelength); cyclelist.push_front(cycle); ++currentcycle; } while(used[firstunused]) {++firstunused; if(firstunused>n) break;} //find next unused element } while(firstunused<=n); //convert list to NRVec this->resize(currentcycle); T i=1; for(typename std::list >::iterator l=cyclelist.begin(); l!=cyclelist.end(); ++l) (*this)[i++] = *l; } template bool CyclePerm::is_valid() const { for(T i=1; i<=this->size(); ++i) { T n=(*this)[i].size(); if(n<=0) return false; for(T j=1; j<=n; ++j) { T x=(*this)[i][j]; if(x<=0) return false; //now check for illegal duplicity of numbers withis a cycle or across cycles for(T ii=i; ii<=this->size(); ++ii) { T nn=(*this)[ii].size(); for(T jj=(ii==i?j+1:1); jj<=nn; ++jj) { T xx=(*this)[ii][jj]; if(x==xx) return false; } } } } return true; } template bool CyclePerm::is_identity() const { #ifdef DEBUG if(!this->is_valid()) laerror("operation with an invalid cycleperm"); #endif for(T i=1; i<=this->size(); ++i) if((*this)[i].size()>1) return false; //at least one nontrivial cycle return true; } template CyclePerm CyclePerm::inverse() const { #ifdef DEBUG if(!this->is_valid()) laerror("operation with an invalid cycleperm"); #endif CyclePerm r; T ncycles=this->size(); r.resize(ncycles); for(T i=1; i<=ncycles; ++i) { T length=(*this)[i].size(); r[i].resize(length); //reverse order in cycles (does not matter in cycle lengths 1 and 2 anyway) for(T j=1; j<=length; ++j) r[i][j] = (*this)[i][length-j+1]; } return r; } //multiplication via NRPerm - could there be a more efficient direct algorithm? template CyclePerm CyclePerm::operator*(const CyclePerm q) const { int m=this->max(); int mm=q.max(); if(mm>m) mm=m; NRPerm qq(q,m); NRPerm pp(*this,m); NRPerm rr=pp*qq; return CyclePerm(rr); } template int CyclePerm::parity() const { #ifdef DEBUG if(!this->is_valid()) laerror("operation with an invalid cycleperm"); #endif int n_even_cycles=0; T ncycles=this->size(); for(T i=1; i<=ncycles; ++i) { T length=(*this)[i].size(); if((length&1)==0) ++n_even_cycles; } return (n_even_cycles&1)?-1:1; } template CompressedPartition CyclePerm::cycles(const T n) const { #ifdef DEBUG if(!this->is_valid()) laerror("operation with an invalid cycleperm"); #endif CompressedPartition r(n); r.clear(); T ncycles=this->size(); for(T i=1; i<=ncycles; ++i) { T length=(*this)[i].size(); if(length<=0||length>n) laerror("unexpected cycle length in permutation"); r[length]++; } //fill in trivial cycles of length one r[1] += n - r.sum(); if(r[1]<0) laerror("inconsistent cycle lengths in CyclePerm::cycles"); return r; } //auxiliary function for input of a permutation in cycle format //returns pointer after closing bracket or NULL if no cycle found //or input error template const char *read1cycle(NRVec_from1 &c, const char *p) { if(*p==0) return NULL; const char *openbracket = strchr(p,'('); if(!openbracket) return NULL; const char *closebracket = strchr(openbracket+1,')'); if(!closebracket) return NULL; const char *s = openbracket+1; int r; int length=0; std::list cycle; do { long int tmp; int nchar; if(*s==',') ++s; r = sscanf(s,"%ld%n",&tmp,&nchar); if(r==1) { ++length; s += nchar; cycle.push_back((T)tmp); } } while(r==1 && s::iterator l=cycle.begin(); l!=cycle.end(); ++l) c[++i] = *l; return closebracket+1; } template void CyclePerm::readfrom(const std::string &line) { const char *p=line.c_str(); std::list > cyclelist; int ncycles=0; int count=0; NRVec_from1 c; while(p=read1cycle(c,p)) { //printf("cycle %d of length %d read\n",count,c.size()); if(c.size()!=0) //store a nonempty cycle { ++count; cyclelist.push_back(c); } } //convert list to vector this->resize(count); T i=0; for(typename std::list >::iterator l=cyclelist.begin(); l!=cyclelist.end(); ++l) (*this)[++i] = *l; #ifdef DEBUG if(!this->is_valid()) laerror("readfrom received input of invalid CyclePerm"); #endif } template std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &s, CyclePerm &x) { std::string l; getline(s,l); x.readfrom(l); return s; } template std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const CyclePerm &x) { for(int i=1; i<=x.size(); ++i) { s<<"("; for(int j=1; j<=x[i].size(); ++j) { s< PERM_RANK_TYPE CompressedPartition::Sn_class_size() const { #ifdef DEBUG if(!this->is_valid()) laerror("operation with an invalid partition"); #endif int n=this->size(); PERM_RANK_TYPE r=factorial(n); for(int i=1; i<=n; ++i) { T m=(*this)[i]; if(i>1 && m>0) r/=ipow(i,m); if(m>1) r/=factorial(m); } return r; } template PERM_RANK_TYPE Partition::Sn_irrep_dim() const { #ifdef DEBUG if(!this->is_valid()) laerror("operation with an invalid partition"); #endif int n=this->size(); PERM_RANK_TYPE prod=1; Partition adj=this->adjoint(); //hook length formula for(int i=1; i<=adj[1]; ++i) //rows for(int j=1; j<= (*this)[i]; ++j) //cols prod *= (*this)[i]-j+adj[j]-i+1; return factorial(n)/prod; } template Partition Partition::adjoint() const { #ifdef DEBUG if(!this->is_valid()) laerror("operation with an invalid partition"); #endif int n=this->size(); Partition r(n); r.clear(); for(int i=1;i<=n;++i) { int j; for(j=1; j<=n&&(*this)[j]>=i; ++j); r[i]=j-1; } return r; } PERM_RANK_TYPE ipow(PERM_RANK_TYPE x, int i) { if(i<0) return 0; PERM_RANK_TYPE y=1; do { if(i&1) y *= x; i >>= 1; if(i) x *= x; } while(i); return y ; } //aux for the recursive procedure static PERM_RANK_TYPE partitioncount; template static void (*_pcallback)(const Partition&); static int partitiontyp; static int partitiontypabs; template static Partition *partition; template void partgen(int remain, int pos) { int hi,lo; if(remain==0) {++partitioncount; (*_pcallback)(*partition); return;} if(partitiontyp) lo=(remain+partitiontypabs-pos)/(partitiontypabs-pos+1); else lo=1; hi=remain; if(partitiontyp>0) hi -= partitiontypabs-pos; if(pos>1 && (*partition)[pos-1] < hi) hi= (*partition)[pos-1]; for((*partition)[pos]=hi; (*partition)[pos]>=lo; --(*partition)[pos]) partgen(remain-(*partition)[pos],pos+1); (*partition)[pos]=0; } template PERM_RANK_TYPE Partition::generate_all(void (*callback)(const Partition&), int nparts) { int n=this->size(); if(n==0) return 0; if(nparts>0 && ncopyonwrite(); this->clear(); partitioncount=0; _pcallback =callback; partitiontyp=nparts; partition = this; partitiontypabs= nparts>=0?nparts:-nparts; partgen(n,1); return partitioncount; } template std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const CompressedPartition &x) { int n=x.size(); T sum=0; for(int i=n; i>0;--i) if(x[i]) { s<1) s<<'^'< YoungTableaux::YoungTableaux(const Partition &frame) : NRVec_from1 >() { #ifdef DEBUG if(!frame.is_valid()) laerror("invalid partition used as young frame"); #endif int nlines=frame.nparts(); this->resize(nlines); for(int i=1; i<=nlines; ++i) (*this)[i].resize(frame[i]); } /***************************************************************************//** * forced instantization in the corresponding object file ******************************************************************************/ template class NRPerm; template class CyclePerm; template class CompressedPartition; template class Partition; template class YoungTableaux; #define INSTANTIZE(T) \ template std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &s, CyclePerm &x); \ template std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const CyclePerm &x); \ template std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const CompressedPartition &x); \ INSTANTIZE(int) }//namespace