/* LA: linear algebra C++ interface library Copyright (C) 2020 Jiri Pittner or This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "vecmat3.h" namespace LA_Vecmat3 { //http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_inverse_square_root float fast_sqrtinv(float number ) { long i; float x2, y; const float threehalfs = 1.5F; x2 = number * 0.5F; y = number; i = * ( long * ) &y; // evil floating point bit level hacking i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // what the fuck? y = * ( float * ) &i; y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 1st iteration y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 2nd iteration, this can be removed return y; } template<> Vec3 & Vec3::fast_normalize(void) {*this *= fast_sqrtinv(normsqr()); return *this;}; template Vec3& Vec3::fast_normalize(void) {normalize(); return *this;}; template const Vec3 Vec3::operator*(const Mat3 &rhs) const { Vec3 r; r[0] = q[0]*rhs.q[0][0] + q[1]*rhs.q[1][0] + q[2]*rhs.q[2][0]; r[1] = q[0]*rhs.q[0][1] + q[1]*rhs.q[1][1] + q[2]*rhs.q[2][1]; r[2] = q[0]*rhs.q[0][2] + q[1]*rhs.q[1][2] + q[2]*rhs.q[2][2]; return r; }; template Mat3& Mat3::operator+=(const Mat3 &rhs) { q[0][0]+=rhs.q[0][0];q[0][1]+=rhs.q[0][1];q[0][2]+=rhs.q[0][2]; q[1][0]+=rhs.q[1][0];q[1][1]+=rhs.q[1][1];q[1][2]+=rhs.q[1][2]; q[2][0]+=rhs.q[2][0];q[2][1]+=rhs.q[2][1];q[2][2]+=rhs.q[2][2]; return *this; } template Mat3& Mat3::operator-=(const Mat3 &rhs) { q[0][0]-=rhs.q[0][0];q[0][1]-=rhs.q[0][1];q[0][2]-=rhs.q[0][2]; q[1][0]-=rhs.q[1][0];q[1][1]-=rhs.q[1][1];q[1][2]-=rhs.q[1][2]; q[2][0]-=rhs.q[2][0];q[2][1]-=rhs.q[2][1];q[2][2]-=rhs.q[2][2]; return *this; } template const Mat3 Mat3::operator*(const Mat3 &rhs) const { Mat3 r; r[0][0]= q[0][0]*rhs.q[0][0] + q[0][1]*rhs.q[1][0] + q[0][2]*rhs.q[2][0]; r[0][1]= q[0][0]*rhs.q[0][1] + q[0][1]*rhs.q[1][1] + q[0][2]*rhs.q[2][1]; r[0][2]= q[0][0]*rhs.q[0][2] + q[0][1]*rhs.q[1][2] + q[0][2]*rhs.q[2][2]; r[1][0]= q[1][0]*rhs.q[0][0] + q[1][1]*rhs.q[1][0] + q[1][2]*rhs.q[2][0]; r[1][1]= q[1][0]*rhs.q[0][1] + q[1][1]*rhs.q[1][1] + q[1][2]*rhs.q[2][1]; r[1][2]= q[1][0]*rhs.q[0][2] + q[1][1]*rhs.q[1][2] + q[1][2]*rhs.q[2][2]; r[2][0]= q[2][0]*rhs.q[0][0] + q[2][1]*rhs.q[1][0] + q[2][2]*rhs.q[2][0]; r[2][1]= q[2][0]*rhs.q[0][1] + q[2][1]*rhs.q[1][1] + q[2][2]*rhs.q[2][1]; r[2][2]= q[2][0]*rhs.q[0][2] + q[2][1]*rhs.q[1][2] + q[2][2]*rhs.q[2][2]; return r; } template T Mat3::determinant() const { return q[0][0]*(q[2][2]*q[1][1]-q[2][1]*q[1][2])-q[1][0]*(q[2][2]*q[0][1]-q[2][1]*q[0][2])+q[2][0]*(q[1][2]*q[0][1]-q[1][1]*q[0][2]); } template void Mat3::transposeme() {T t; t=q[0][1]; q[0][1]=q[1][0]; q[1][0]=t; t=q[0][2]; q[0][2]=q[2][0]; q[2][0]=t; t=q[1][2]; q[1][2]=q[2][1]; q[2][1]=t;}; template const Mat3 Mat3::inverse() const { Mat3 r; r[0][0]= q[2][2]*q[1][1]-q[2][1]*q[1][2]; r[0][1]= -q[2][2]*q[0][1]+q[2][1]*q[0][2]; r[0][2]= q[1][2]*q[0][1]-q[1][1]*q[0][2]; r[1][0]= -q[2][2]*q[1][0]+q[2][0]*q[1][2]; r[1][1]= q[2][2]*q[0][0]-q[2][0]*q[0][2]; r[1][2]= -q[1][2]*q[0][0]+q[1][0]*q[0][2]; r[2][0]= q[2][1]*q[1][0]-q[2][0]*q[1][1]; r[2][1]= -q[2][1]*q[0][0]+q[2][0]*q[0][1]; r[2][2]= q[1][1]*q[0][0]-q[1][0]*q[0][1]; return r/determinant(); } template const Vec3 Mat3::operator*(const Vec3 &rhs) const { Vec3 r; r[0] = q[0][0]*rhs.q[0] + q[0][1]*rhs.q[1] + q[0][2]*rhs.q[2]; r[1] = q[1][0]*rhs.q[0] + q[1][1]*rhs.q[1] + q[1][2]*rhs.q[2]; r[2] = q[2][0]*rhs.q[0] + q[2][1]*rhs.q[1] + q[2][2]*rhs.q[2]; return r; } //cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_angles and NASA paper cited therein template void LA_Vecmat3::euler2rotmat(const T *eul, Mat3 &a, const char *type, bool transpose, bool direction, bool reverse) { T c2=cos(eul[1]); T s2=sin(eul[1]); T c1=cos(eul[reverse?2:0]); T s1=sin(eul[reverse?2:0]); T c3=cos(eul[reverse?0:2]); T s3=sin(eul[reverse?0:2]); if(direction) {s1= -s1; s2= -s2; s3= -s3;} switch(Euler_case(type[0],type[1],type[2])) { case Euler_case('x','z','x'): { a[0][0]= c2; a[0][1]= -c3*s2; a[0][2]= s2*s3; a[1][0]= c1*s2; a[1][1]= c1*c2*c3-s1*s3; a[1][2]= -c3*s1-c1*c2*s3; a[2][0]= s1*s2; a[2][1]= c1*s3+c2*c3*s1; a[2][2]= c1*c3-c2*s1*s3; } break; case Euler_case('x','y','x'): { a[0][0]= c2; a[0][1]= s2*s3; a[0][2]= c3*s2; a[1][0]= s1*s2; a[1][1]= c1*c3-c2*s1*s3; a[1][2]= -c1*s3-c2*c3*s1; a[2][0]= -c1*s2; a[2][1]= c3*s1+c1*c2*s3; a[2][2]= c1*c2*c3-s1*s3; } break; case Euler_case('y','x','y'): { a[0][0]= c1*c3-c2*s1*s3; a[0][1]= s1*s2; a[0][2]= c1*s3+c2*c3*s1; a[1][0]= s2*s3; a[1][1]= c2; a[1][2]= -c3*s2; a[2][0]= -c3*s1-c1*c2*s3; a[2][1]= c1*s2; a[2][2]= c1*c2*c3-s1*s3; } break; case Euler_case('y','z','y'): { a[0][0]= c1*c2*c3-s1*s3; a[0][1]= -c1*s2; a[0][2]= c3*s1+c1*c2*s3; a[1][0]= c3*s2; a[1][1]= c2; a[1][2]= s2*s3; a[2][0]= -c1*s3; a[2][1]= s1*s2; a[2][2]= c1*c3-c2*s1*s3; } break; case Euler_case('z','y','z'): { a[0][0]= c1*c2*c3-s1*s3; a[0][1]= -c3*s1-c1*c2*s3; a[0][2]= c1*s2; a[1][0]= c1*s3+c2*c3*s1; a[1][1]= c1*c3-c2*s1*s3; a[1][2]= s1*s2; a[2][0]= -c3*s2; a[2][1]= s2*s3; a[2][2]= c2; } break; case Euler_case('z','x','z'): { a[0][0]= c1*c3-c2*s1*s3; a[0][1]= -c1*s3-c2*c3*s1; a[0][2]= s1*s2; a[1][0]= c3*s1+c1*c2*s3; a[1][1]= c1*c2*c3-s1*s3; a[1][2]= -c1*s2; a[2][0]= s2*s3; a[2][1]= c3*s2; a[2][2]= c2; } break; case Euler_case('x','z','y'): { a[0][0]= c2*c3; a[0][1]= -s2; a[0][2]= c2*s3; a[1][0]= s1*s3+c1*c3*s2; a[1][1]= c1*c2; a[1][2]= c1*s2*s3-c3*s1; a[2][0]= c3*s1*s2-c1*s3; a[2][1]= c2*s1; a[2][2]= c1*c3+s1*s2*s3; } break; case Euler_case('x','y','z'): { a[0][0]= c2*c3; a[0][1]= -c2*s3; a[0][2]= s2; a[1][0]= c1*s3+c3*s1*s2; a[1][1]= c1*c3-s1*s2*s3; a[1][2]= -c2*s1; a[2][0]= s1*s3-c1*c3*s2; a[2][1]= c3*s1+c1*s2*s3; a[2][2]= c1*c2; } break; case Euler_case('y','x','z'): { a[0][0]= c1*c3+s1*s2*s3; a[0][1]= c3*s1*s2-c1*s3; a[0][2]= c2*s1; a[1][0]= c2*s3; a[1][1]= c2*c3; a[1][2]= -s2; a[2][0]= c1*s2*s3-c3*s1; a[2][1]= c1*c3*s2+s1*s3; a[2][2]= c1*c2; } break; case Euler_case('y','z','x'): { a[0][0]= c1*c2; a[0][1]= s1*s3-c1*c3*s2; a[0][2]= c3*s1+c1*s2*s3; a[1][0]= s2; a[1][1]= c2*c3; a[1][2]= -c2*s3; a[2][0]= -c2*s1; a[2][1]= c1*s3+c3*s1*s2; a[2][2]= c1*c3-s1*s2*s3; } break; case Euler_case('z','y','x'): { a[0][0]= c1*c2; a[0][1]= c1*s2*s3-c3*s1; a[0][2]= s1*s2+c1*c3*s2; a[1][0]= c2*s1; a[1][1]= c1*c3+s1*s2*s3; a[1][2]= c3*s1*s2-c1*s3; a[2][0]= -s2; a[2][1]= c2*s3; a[2][2]= c2*c3; } break; case Euler_case('z','x','y'): { a[0][0]= c1*c3-s1*s2*s3; a[0][1]= -c2*s1; a[0][2]= c1*s3+c3*s1*s2; a[1][0]= c3*s1+c1*s2*s3; a[1][1]= c1*c2; a[1][2]= s1*s3-c1*c3*s2; a[2][0]= -c2*s3; a[2][1]= s2; a[2][2]= c2*c3; } break; }//switch if(transpose) a.transposeme(); } template void LA_Vecmat3::rotmat2euler(T *eul, const Mat3 &a, const char *type, bool transpose, bool direction, bool reverse) { T m11=a[0][0]; T m22=a[1][1]; T m33=a[2][2]; T m12=transpose?a[1][0]:a[0][1]; T m21=transpose?a[0][1]:a[1][0]; T m13=transpose?a[2][0]:a[0][2]; T m31=transpose?a[0][2]:a[2][0]; T m23=transpose?a[2][1]:a[1][2]; T m32=transpose?a[1][2]:a[2][1]; switch(Euler_case(type[0],type[1],type[2])) { case Euler_case('x','z','x'): { eul[0]=atan2(m31,m21); eul[1]=atan2(sqrt(1-m11*m11),m11); eul[2]=atan2(m13,-m12); } break; case Euler_case('x','y','x'): { eul[0]=atan2(m21,-m31); eul[1]=atan2(sqrt(1-m11*m11),m11); eul[2]=atan2(m12,m13); } break; case Euler_case('y','x','y'): { eul[0]=atan2(m12,m32); eul[1]=atan2(sqrt(1-m22*m22),m22); eul[2]=atan2(m21,-m23); } break; case Euler_case('y','z','y'): { eul[0]=atan2(m32,-m12); eul[1]=atan2(sqrt(1-m22*m22),m22); eul[2]=atan2(m23,m21); } break; case Euler_case('z','y','z'): { eul[0]=atan2(m23,m13); eul[1]=atan2(sqrt(1-m33*m33),m33); eul[2]=atan2(m32,-m31); } break; case Euler_case('z','x','z'): { eul[0]=atan2(m13,-m23); eul[1]=atan2(sqrt(1-m33*m33),m33); eul[2]=atan2(m31,m32); } break; case Euler_case('x','z','y'): { eul[0]=atan2(m32,m22); eul[1]=atan2(-m12,sqrt(1-m12*m12)); eul[2]=atan2(m13,m11); } break; case Euler_case('x','y','z'): { eul[0]=atan2(-m23,m33); eul[1]=atan2(m13,sqrt(1-m13*m13)); eul[2]=atan2(-m12,m11); } break; case Euler_case('y','x','z'): { eul[0]=atan2(m31,m33); eul[1]=atan2(-m23,sqrt(1-m23*m23)); eul[2]=atan2(m21,m22); } break; case Euler_case('y','z','x'): { eul[0]=atan2(-m31,m11); eul[1]=atan2(m21,sqrt(1-m21*m21)); eul[2]=atan2(-m23,m22); } break; case Euler_case('z','y','x'): { eul[0]=atan2(m21,m11); eul[1]=atan2(-m31,sqrt(1-m31*m31)); eul[2]=atan2(m32,m33); } break; case Euler_case('z','x','y'): { eul[0]=atan2(-m12,m22); eul[1]=atan2(m32,sqrt(1-m32*m32)); eul[2]=atan2(-m31,m33); } break; }//switch if(reverse) { T t=eul[0]; eul[0]=eul[2]; eul[2]=t; } if(direction) { eul[0] *= (T)-1; eul[1] *= (T)-1; eul[2] *= (T)-1; } } //stream I/O #ifndef AVOID_STDSTREAM template std::istream& LA_Vecmat3::operator>>(std::istream &s, Vec3 &x) { s >> x.q[0]; s >> x.q[1]; s >> x.q[2]; return s; } template std::ostream& LA_Vecmat3::operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Vec3 &x) { s << x.q[0]<<" "; s << x.q[1]<<" "; s << x.q[2]; return s; } template std::istream& LA_Vecmat3::operator>>(std::istream &s, Mat3 &x) { s >> x.q[0][0]; s >> x.q[0][1]; s >> x.q[0][2]; s >> x.q[1][0]; s >> x.q[1][1]; s >> x.q[1][2]; s >> x.q[2][0]; s >> x.q[2][1]; s >> x.q[2][2]; return s; } template std::ostream& LA_Vecmat3::operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Mat3 &x) { s << x.q[0][0]<<" "<< x.q[0][1]<<" " << x.q[0][2]<; \ template class Mat3; \ template void LA_Vecmat3::euler2rotmat(const T *eul, Mat3 &a, const char *type, bool transpose=0, bool direction=0, bool reverse=0); \ template void LA_Vecmat3::rotmat2euler(T *eul, const Mat3 &a, const char *type, bool transpose=0, bool direction=0, bool reverse=0); \ #ifndef AVOID_STDSTREAM #define INSTANTIZE2(T) \ template std::istream& LA_Vecmat3::operator>>(std::istream &s, Vec3 &x); \ template std::ostream& LA_Vecmat3::operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Vec3 &x); \ template std::istream& LA_Vecmat3::operator>>(std::istream &s, Mat3 &x); \ template std::ostream& LA_Vecmat3::operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Mat3 &x); \ #endif INSTANTIZE(float) #ifndef QUAT_NO_DOUBLE INSTANTIZE(double) #endif #ifndef AVOID_STDSTREAM INSTANTIZE2(float) #ifndef QUAT_NO_DOUBLE INSTANTIZE2(double) #endif #endif }//namespace