/* LA: linear algebra C++ interface library Copyright (C) 2008 Jiri Pittner or complex versions written by Roman Curik This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _LA_VEC_H_ #define _LA_VEC_H_ #include "la_traits.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Forward declarations template void lawritemat(FILE *file,const T *a,int r,int c, const char *form0,int nodim,int modulo, int issym); // Memory allocated constants for cblas routines const static complex CONE = 1.0, CMONE = -1.0, CZERO = 0.0; // Macros to construct binary operators +,-,*, from +=, -=, *= // for 3 cases: X + a, a + X, X + Y #define NRVECMAT_OPER(E,X) \ template \ inline const NR##E NR##E::operator X(const T &a) const \ { return NR##E(*this) X##= a; } \ \ template \ inline const NR##E operator X(const T &a, const NR##E &rhs) \ { return NR##E(rhs) X##= a; } #define NRVECMAT_OPER2(E,X) \ template \ inline const NR##E NR##E::operator X(const NR##E &a) const \ { return NR##E(*this) X##= a; } // NRVec class template class NRVec { protected: int nn; T *v; int *count; public: friend class NRSMat; friend class NRMat; inline NRVec(): nn(0),v(0),count(0){}; explicit inline NRVec(const int n) : nn(n), v(new T[n]), count(new int(1)) {}; inline NRVec(const T &a, const int n); inline NRVec(const T *a, const int n); inline NRVec(T *a, const int n, bool skeleton); inline NRVec(const NRVec &rhs); NRVec(const typename LA_traits_complex::NRVec_Noncomplex_type &rhs, bool imagpart=false); //construct complex from real inline explicit NRVec(const NRSMat & S); #ifdef MATPTR explicit NRVec(const NRMat &rhs) : NRVec(&rhs[0][0],rhs.nrows()*rhs.ncols()) {}; #else explicit NRVec(const NRMat &rhs); #endif NRVec & operator=(const NRVec &rhs); NRVec & operator=(const T &a); //assign a to every element void randomize(const typename LA_traits::normtype &x); NRVec & operator|=(const NRVec &rhs); const bool operator!=(const NRVec &rhs) const {if(nn!=rhs.nn) return 1; return LA_traits::gencmp(v,rhs.v,nn);} //memcmp for scalars else elementwise const bool operator==(const NRVec &rhs) const {return !(*this != rhs);}; const bool operator>(const NRVec &rhs) const; const bool operator<(const NRVec &rhs) const; const bool operator>=(const NRVec &rhs) const {return !(*this < rhs);}; const bool operator<=(const NRVec &rhs) const {return !(*this > rhs);}; const NRVec operator-() const; inline NRVec & operator+=(const NRVec &rhs); inline NRVec & operator-=(const NRVec &rhs); inline NRVec & operator*=(const NRVec &rhs); //elementwise inline NRVec & operator/=(const NRVec &rhs); //elementwise inline NRVec & operator+=(const T &a); inline NRVec & operator-=(const T &a); inline NRVec & operator*=(const T &a); inline int getcount() const {return count?*count:0;} inline const NRVec operator+(const NRVec &rhs) const; inline const NRVec operator-(const NRVec &rhs) const; inline const NRVec operator+(const T &a) const; inline const NRVec operator-(const T &a) const; inline const NRVec operator*(const T &a) const; inline const T operator*(const NRVec &rhs) const; //scalar product -> dot inline const T dot(const NRVec &rhs) const {return *this * rhs;}; //@@@for complex do conjugate void gemv(const T beta, const NRMat &a, const char trans, const T alpha, const NRVec &x); void gemv(const T beta, const NRSMat &a, const char trans /*just for compatibility*/, const T alpha, const NRVec &x); void gemv(const T beta, const SparseMat &a, const char trans, const T alpha, const NRVec &x,const bool treat_as_symmetric=false); void gemv(const typename LA_traits_complex::Component_type beta, const typename LA_traits_complex::NRMat_Noncomplex_type &a, const char trans, const typename LA_traits_complex::Component_type alpha, const NRVec &x); void gemv(const typename LA_traits_complex::Component_type beta, const typename LA_traits_complex::NRSMat_Noncomplex_type &a, const char trans, const typename LA_traits_complex::Component_type alpha, const NRVec &x); const NRVec operator*(const NRMat &mat) const {NRVec result(mat.ncols()); result.gemv((T)0,mat,'t',(T)1,*this); return result;}; const NRVec operator*(const NRSMat &mat) const {NRVec result(mat.ncols()); result.gemv((T)0,mat,'t',(T)1,*this); return result;}; const NRVec operator*(const SparseMat &mat) const {NRVec result(mat.ncols()); result.gemv((T)0,mat,'t',(T)1,*this); return result;}; const NRMat operator|(const NRVec &rhs) const; inline const T sum() const {T sum=0; for(int i=0; i::clear(v,nn);}; //zero out void resize(const int n); void get(int fd, bool dimensions=1, bool transp=0); void put(int fd, bool dimensions=1, bool transp=0) const; NRVec & normalize(); inline const typename LA_traits::normtype norm() const; inline const T amax() const; inline const NRVec unitvector() const; void fprintf(FILE *f, const char *format, const int modulo) const; void fscanf(FILE *f, const char *format); //sparse matrix concerning members explicit NRVec(const SparseMat &rhs); // dense from sparse matrix with one of dimensions =1 inline void simplify() {}; //just for compatibility with sparse ones bool bigger(int i, int j) const {return LA_traits::bigger(v[i],v[j]);}; bool smaller(int i, int j) const {return LA_traits::smaller(v[i],v[j]);}; void swap(int i, int j) {T tmp; tmp=v[i]; v[i]=v[j]; v[j]=tmp;}; int sort(int direction=0, int from=0, int to= -1, int *perm=NULL); //sort, ascending by default, returns parity of permutation }; //due to mutual includes this has to be after full class declaration #include "mat.h" #include "smat.h" #include "sparsemat.h" // formatted I/O template ostream & operator<<(ostream &s, const NRVec &x) { int i, n; n = x.size(); s << n << endl; for(i=0; i::IOtype)x[i] << (i == n-1 ? '\n' : ' '); return s; } template istream & operator>>(istream &s, NRVec &x) { int i,n; s >> n; x.resize(n); typename LA_traits_io::IOtype tmp; for(i=0; i> tmp; x[i]=tmp;} return s; } // INLINES // ctors template inline NRVec::NRVec(const T& a, const int n) : nn(n), v(new T[n]), count(new int) { *count = 1; if(a != (T)0) for(int i=0; i inline NRVec::NRVec(const T *a, const int n) : nn(n), count(new int) { v=new T[n]; *count = 1; memcpy(v, a, n*sizeof(T)); } template inline NRVec::NRVec(T *a, const int n, bool skeleton) : nn(n), count(new int) { if(!skeleton) { v=new T[n]; *count = 1; memcpy(v, a, n*sizeof(T)); } else { *count = 2; v=a; } } template inline NRVec::NRVec(const NRVec &rhs) { v = rhs.v; nn = rhs.nn; count = rhs.count; if(count) (*count)++; } template inline NRVec::NRVec(const NRSMat &rhs) { nn = rhs.nn; nn = NN2; v = rhs.v; count = rhs.count; (*count)++; } // x += a template<> inline NRVec & NRVec::operator+=(const double &a) { copyonwrite(); cblas_daxpy(nn, 1.0, &a, 0, v, 1); return *this; } template<> inline NRVec< complex > & NRVec< complex >::operator+=(const complex &a) { copyonwrite(); cblas_zaxpy(nn, (void *)(&CONE), (void *)(&a), 0, (void *)v, 1); return *this; } //and for general type template inline NRVec & NRVec::operator+=(const T &a) { copyonwrite(); int i; for(i=0; i inline NRVec & NRVec::operator-=(const double &a) { copyonwrite(); cblas_daxpy(nn, -1.0, &a, 0, v, 1); return *this; } template<> inline NRVec< complex > & NRVec< complex >::operator-=(const complex &a) { copyonwrite(); cblas_zaxpy(nn, (void *)(&CMONE), (void *)(&a), 0, (void *)v, 1); return *this; } //and for general type template inline NRVec & NRVec::operator-=(const T &a) { copyonwrite(); int i; for(i=0; i inline NRVec & NRVec::operator+=(const NRVec &rhs) { #ifdef DEBUG if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("daxpy of incompatible vectors"); #endif copyonwrite(); cblas_daxpy(nn, 1.0, rhs.v, 1, v, 1); return *this; } template<> inline NRVec< complex > & NRVec< complex >::operator+=(const NRVec< complex > &rhs) { #ifdef DEBUG if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("daxpy of incompatible vectors"); #endif copyonwrite(); cblas_zaxpy(nn, (void *)(&CONE), rhs.v, 1, v, 1); return *this; } //and for general type template inline NRVec & NRVec::operator+=(const NRVec &rhs) { #ifdef DEBUG if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("daxpy of incompatible vectors"); #endif copyonwrite(); int i; for(i=0; i inline NRVec & NRVec::operator*=(const NRVec &rhs) { #ifdef DEBUG if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("*= of incompatible vectors"); #endif copyonwrite(); int i; for(i=0; i inline NRVec & NRVec::operator/=(const NRVec &rhs) { #ifdef DEBUG if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("/= of incompatible vectors"); #endif copyonwrite(); int i; for(i=0; i inline NRVec & NRVec::operator-=(const NRVec &rhs) { #ifdef DEBUG if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("daxpy of incompatible vectors"); #endif copyonwrite(); cblas_daxpy(nn, -1.0, rhs.v, 1, v, 1); return *this; } template<> inline NRVec< complex > & NRVec< complex >::operator-=(const NRVec< complex > &rhs) { #ifdef DEBUG if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("daxpy of incompatible vectors"); #endif copyonwrite(); cblas_zaxpy(nn, (void *)(&CMONE), (void *)rhs.v, 1, (void *)v, 1); return *this; } //and for general type template inline NRVec & NRVec::operator-=(const NRVec &rhs) { #ifdef DEBUG if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("daxpy of incompatible vectors"); #endif copyonwrite(); int i; for(i=0; i inline NRVec & NRVec::operator*=(const double &a) { copyonwrite(); cblas_dscal(nn, a, v, 1); return *this; } template<> inline NRVec< complex > & NRVec< complex >::operator*=(const complex &a) { copyonwrite(); cblas_zscal(nn, (void *)(&a), (void *)v, 1); return *this; } //and for general type template inline NRVec & NRVec::operator*=(const T &a) { copyonwrite(); int i; for(i=0; i inline const double NRVec::operator*(const NRVec &rhs) const { #ifdef DEBUG if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("dot of incompatible vectors"); #endif return cblas_ddot(nn, v, 1, rhs.v, 1); } template<> inline const complex NRVec< complex >::operator*(const NRVec< complex > &rhs) const { #ifdef DEBUG if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("dot of incompatible vectors"); #endif complex dot; cblas_zdotc_sub(nn, (void *)v, 1, (void *)rhs.v, 1, (void *)(&dot)); return dot; } template inline const T NRVec::operator*(const NRVec &rhs) const { #ifdef DEBUG if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("dot of incompatible vectors"); #endif T dot = 0; for(int i=0; i inline const double NRVec::asum() const { return cblas_dasum(nn, v, 1); } // Dot product: x * y template<> inline const double NRVec::dot(const double *y, const int stride) const { return cblas_ddot(nn, y, stride, v, 1); } template<> inline const complex NRVec< complex >::dot(const complex *y, const int stride) const { complex dot; cblas_zdotc_sub(nn, y, stride, v, 1, (void *)(&dot)); return dot; } // x[i] returns i-th element template inline T & NRVec::operator[](const int i) { #ifdef DEBUG if(_LA_count_check && *count != 1) laerror("possible lval [] with count > 1"); if(i < 0 || i >= nn) laerror("NRVec out of range"); if(!v) laerror("[] on unallocated NRVec"); #endif return v[i]; } template inline const T & NRVec::operator[](const int i) const { #ifdef DEBUG if(i < 0 || i >= nn) laerror("NRVec out of range"); if(!v) laerror("[] on unallocated NRVec"); #endif return v[i]; } // length of the vector template inline int NRVec::size() const { return nn; } // reference Vec to the first element template inline NRVec::operator T*() { #ifdef DEBUG if(!v) laerror("unallocated NRVec in operator T*"); #endif return v; } template inline NRVec::operator const T*() const { #ifdef DEBUG if(!v) laerror("unallocated NRVec in operator T*"); #endif return v; } // return norm of the Vec template<> inline const double NRVec::norm() const { return cblas_dnrm2(nn, v, 1); } template<> inline const double NRVec< complex >::norm() const { return cblas_dznrm2(nn, (void *)v, 1); } // Max element of the array template<> inline const double NRVec::amax() const { return v[cblas_idamax(nn, v, 1)]; } template<> inline const complex NRVec< complex >::amax() const { return v[cblas_izamax(nn, (void *)v, 1)]; } // Make Vec unitvector template inline const NRVec NRVec::unitvector() const { return NRVec(*this).normalize(); } // generate operators: Vec + a, a + Vec, Vec * a NRVECMAT_OPER(Vec,+) NRVECMAT_OPER(Vec,-) NRVECMAT_OPER(Vec,*) // generate operators: Vec + Vec, Vec - Vec NRVECMAT_OPER2(Vec,+) NRVECMAT_OPER2(Vec,-) // Few forward declarations //basic stuff which has to be in .h // dtor template NRVec::~NRVec() { if(!count) return; if(--(*count) <= 0) { if(v) delete[] (v); delete count; } } // detach from a physical vector and make own copy template void NRVec::copyonwrite() { if(!count) laerror("Vec::copyonwrite() of an undefined vector"); if(*count > 1) { (*count)--; count = new int; *count = 1; T *newv = new T[nn]; memcpy(newv, v, nn*sizeof(T)); v = newv; } } // Asignment template NRVec & NRVec::operator=(const NRVec &rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { if(count) if(--(*count) == 0) { delete[] v; delete count; } v = rhs.v; nn = rhs.nn; count = rhs.count; if(count) (*count)++; } return *this; } // Resize template void NRVec::resize(const int n) { #ifdef DEBUG if(n<0) laerror("illegal vector dimension"); #endif if(count) { if(n==0) { if(--(*count) <= 0) { if(v) delete[] (v); delete count; } count=0; nn=0; v=0; return; } if(*count > 1) { (*count)--; count = 0; v = 0; nn = 0; } } if(!count) { count = new int; *count = 1; nn = n; v = new T[nn]; return; } // *count = 1 in this branch if (n != nn) { nn = n; delete[] v; v = new T[nn]; } } // assignment with a physical (deep) copy template NRVec & NRVec::operator|=(const NRVec &rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { #ifdef DEBUG if (!rhs.v) laerror("unallocated rhs in NRVec operator |="); #endif if (count) if (*count > 1) { --(*count); nn = 0; count = 0; v = 0; } if (nn != rhs.nn) { if (v) delete[] (v); nn = rhs.nn; } if(!v) v = new T[nn]; if(!count) count = new int; *count = 1; memcpy(v, rhs.v, nn*sizeof(T)); } return *this; } template NRVec > complexify(const NRVec &rhs) { NRVec > r(rhs.size()); for(int i=0; i