#include "vec.h" #include "smat.h" #include "mat.h" #include "sparsemat.h" #include "nonclass.h" #include //conjugate gradient solution of a linear system //matrix can be any class which has nrows(), ncols(), diagonalof() and NRVec::gemv() available //does not even have to be explicitly stored //Conjugate gradient algorithm, cf. Bulirsch-Stoer book template extern void conjgrad(const Matrix &bigmat, const NRVec &b, NRVec &x, const bool doguess, const double tol, const int itmax, const bool verbose, bool issquare,const bool precondition) { int m=bigmat.nrows(); int n=bigmat.ncols(); if(x.size()!=n || b.size() != m) laerror("incompatible vectors and matrix sizes in conjgrad"); if(m!=n) issquare=0; double t,tt,bscal,ascal; NRVec p,rr, *r; NRVec q(m),s(m); if(issquare) r=&s; else r = new NRVec(m); if(doguess) { x.gemv(0,bigmat,'t',-1.,b); if(precondition) bigmat.diagonalof(x,true); x.normalize(); } s.gemv(0,bigmat,'n',-1.,x); s+=b; if(!issquare) (*r).gemv(0,bigmat,'t',1,s); rr= *r; if(precondition) bigmat.diagonalof(rr,true); p=rr; for(int iter=0; iter<= itmax; iter++) { double err=p.norm(); if(verbose) cout << "conjgrad: iter= "<