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/* vim: set ts=8 sw=8 sts=8 noexpandtab cindent: */
LA: linear algebra C++ interface library
Copyright (C) 2008 Jiri Pittner <> or <>
complex versions written by Roman Curik <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef _LA_VEC_H_
#define _LA_VEC_H_
#include "la_traits.h"
#include <list>
namespace LA {
* forward declarations
template <typename T> void lawritemat(FILE *file, const T *a, int r, int c,
const char *form0, int nodim, int modulo, int issym);
template <typename T> class NRPerm;
template <typename T> class CyclePerm;
* auxiliary macro to avoid compilation errors for some types
template <typename T>
inline typename LA_traits<T>::normtype MYABS(const T &x) {return std::abs(x);}
template <> inline unsigned char MYABS(const unsigned char &x) {return x;}
template <> inline unsigned short MYABS(const unsigned short &x) {return x;}
template <> inline unsigned int MYABS(const unsigned int &x) {return x;}
template <> inline unsigned long MYABS(const unsigned long &x) {return x;}
template <> inline unsigned long long MYABS(const unsigned long long &x) {return x;}
* static constants used in several cblas-routines
const static std::complex<double> CONE = 1.0, CMONE = -1.0, CZERO = 0.0;
#ifdef CUDALA
const static cuDoubleComplex CUONE = {1.,0.}, CUMONE = {-1.,0.}, CUZERO = {0.,0.};
* macros to construct binary operators +,-,*, from +=, -=, *=
* for 3 cases: X + a, a + X, X + Y
#define NRVECMAT_OPER(E,X) \
template<class T> \
inline const NR##E<T> NR##E<T>::operator X(const T &a) const \
{ return NR##E(*this) X##= a; } \
template<class T> \
inline const NR##E<T> operator X(const T &a, const NR##E<T> &rhs) \
{ return NR##E<T>(rhs) X##= a; }
#define NRVECMAT_OPER2(E,X) \
template<class T> \
inline const NR##E<T> NR##E<T>::operator X(const NR##E<T> &a) const \
{ return NR##E(*this) X##= a; }
* \brief NRVec<T> class template implementing the vector interface
* @see NRMat<T>, NRSMat<T>
template <typename T>
class NRVec {
int nn;//!< size of the vector
T *v;//!< pointer to the underlying data structure
int *count;//!< pointer to the reference-counter
#ifdef CUDALA
GPUID location;//!< determines the memory address space of this object (CPU/GPU)
friend class NRSMat<T>;
friend class NRMat<T>;
template <typename U> friend NRVec<std::complex<U> > complexify(const NRVec<U>&);
typedef T ROWTYPE;
//! standard destructor
* inlined constructor creating zero vector of general type <code>T</code>
inline NRVec(): nn(0), v(0), count(0) {
#ifdef CUDALA
location = DEFAULT_LOC;
* Explicit inlined constructor creating vector of given size and location.
* Because of performance reasons, no incialization is done.
* @param[in] n vector size (count of elements)
* @param[in] loc location of the underlying data (CPU/GPU)
explicit inline NRVec(const int n, const GPUID loc = undefined): nn(n), count(new int(1)) {
#ifdef CUDALA
location = (loc == undefined)?DEFAULT_LOC:loc;
if(location == cpu){
v = new T[n];
#ifdef CUDALA
v = (T*) gpualloc(n*sizeof(T));
//! inlined constructor creating vector of given size filled with prescribed value
inline NRVec(const T &a, const int n);
//! inlined constructor creating vector froman array
template<int SIZE> inline NRVec(const T (&a)[SIZE]);
//! inlined constructor creating vector of given size filled with data located at given memory location
inline NRVec(const T *a, const int n);
//! inlined constructor creating vector of given size filled with data located at given memory location
inline NRVec(T *a, const int n, bool skeleton);
//! inlined copy constructor
inline NRVec(const NRVec &rhs);
//! constructor from std::list
explicit NRVec(const std::list<T> l);
//! complexifying constructor
NRVec(const typename LA_traits_complex<T>::NRVec_Noncomplex_type &rhs, bool imagpart=false);//construct complex from real
//! explicit inlined constructor converting symmetric matrix into a vector
inline explicit NRVec(const NRSMat<T> & S);
#ifdef MATPTR
explicit NRVec(const NRMat<T> &rhs): NRVec(&rhs[0][0], rhs.nrows()*rhs.ncols()) {};
explicit NRVec(const NRMat<T> &rhs);
* routines for CUDA related stuff
* \li <code>getlocation()</code> gets the protected data member location
* \li <code>moveto(const GPUID)</code> moves underlying data between CPU/GPU memory
#ifdef CUDALA
inline GPUID getlocation() const { return location; }
void moveto(const GPUID dest);
inline GPUID getlocation() const { return cpu; }
void moveto(const GPUID dest) {};
//! create separate copy of the data corresponding to this vector
void copyonwrite(bool detachonly=false);
//! purge this vector
void clear() { copyonwrite(LA_traits<T>::is_plaindata()); LA_traits<T>::clear(v, nn); };
//! assignment operator assigns given vector
NRVec& operator=(const NRVec &rhs);
//! assigment operator assigns given scalar to each element of this vector
NRVec& operator=(const T &a);
//! fills in this vector with pseudo-random numbers generated using uniform distribution
void randomize(const typename LA_traits<T>::normtype &x);
//! perform deep-copy of given vector
NRVec& operator|=(const NRVec &rhs);
//! relational operators
const bool operator!=(const NRVec &rhs) const
if(nn!=rhs.nn) return 1;
if(LA_traits<T>::is_plaindata()) return LA_traits<T>::gencmp(v,rhs.v,nn);
for(int i=0; i<nn; ++i) if(v[i]!=rhs.v[i]) return 1;
return 0;
const bool operator==(const NRVec &rhs) const {return !(*this != rhs);};
const bool operator>(const NRVec &rhs) const;
const bool operator<(const NRVec &rhs) const;
const bool operator>=(const NRVec &rhs) const {return !(*this < rhs);};
const bool operator<=(const NRVec &rhs) const {return !(*this > rhs);};
//! unary minus
const NRVec operator-() const;
//! bunch of vector-vector arithmetic operators defined element-wise
inline NRVec& operator+=(const NRVec &rhs);
inline NRVec& operator-=(const NRVec &rhs);
inline NRVec& operator*=(const NRVec &rhs);
inline NRVec& operator/=(const NRVec &rhs);
inline const NRVec operator+(const NRVec &rhs) const;
inline const NRVec operator-(const NRVec &rhs) const;
//! bunch of scalar-vector arithmetic operators defined element-wise
inline NRVec& operator+=(const T &a);
inline NRVec& operator-=(const T &a);
inline NRVec& operator*=(const T &a);
inline NRVec& operator/=(const T &a);
inline const NRVec operator+(const T &a) const;
inline const NRVec operator-(const T &a) const;
inline const NRVec operator*(const T &a) const;
inline const NRVec operator/(const T &a) const;
//!concatenate vectors
NRVec concat(const NRVec &rhs) const
if(nn==0) return rhs;
if(rhs.nn==0) return *this;
NRVec r(nn+rhs.nn);
for(int i=0; i<nn; ++i) r[i] = (*this)[i];
for(int i=0; i<rhs.nn; ++i) r[nn+i] = rhs[i];
return r;
//!concatenate vector into *this
void concatme(const NRVec &rhs)
if(rhs.nn==0) return;
int nnold=nn;
for(int i=0; i<rhs.nn; ++i) v[nnold+i] = rhs[i];
void append(const T &a) //not efficient if done repeatedly
int nnold=nn;
v[nnold] = a;
//! determine the actual value of the reference counter
inline int getcount() const {return count?*count:0;}
//! compute the Euclidean inner product (with conjugation in complex case)
inline const T operator*(const NRVec &rhs) const;
inline const T dot(const NRVec &rhs) const {return *this * rhs;};
//! compute the Euclidean inner product (with conjugation in complex case) with a stride-vector
inline const T dot(const T *a, const int stride = 1) const;
void gemv(const T beta, const NRMat<T> &a, const char trans, const T alpha, const NRVec &x);
void gemv(const T beta, const NRSMat<T> &a, const char trans /**< just for compatibility reasons */, const T alpha, const NRVec &x);
void gemv(const T beta, const SparseMat<T> &a, const char trans, const T alpha, const NRVec &x,const bool treat_as_symmetric = false);
void gemv( const typename LA_traits_complex<T>::Component_type beta,
const typename LA_traits_complex<T>::NRMat_Noncomplex_type &a,
const char trans,
const typename LA_traits_complex<T>::Component_type alpha,
const NRVec &x);
void gemv( const typename LA_traits_complex<T>::Component_type beta,
const typename LA_traits_complex<T>::NRSMat_Noncomplex_type &a,
const char trans,
const typename LA_traits_complex<T>::Component_type alpha, const NRVec &x);
//! multiply given matrix with this vector from left
const NRVec operator*(const NRMat<T> &mat) const {
SAME_LOC(*this, mat);
NRVec<T> result(mat.ncols(), mat.getlocation());
result.gemv((T)0, mat, 't', (T)1, *this);
return result;
//! multiply given symmetric matrix in packed form with this vector from left
const NRVec operator*(const NRSMat<T> &mat) const {
SAME_LOC(*this, mat);
NRVec<T> result(mat.ncols(), mat.getlocation());
result.gemv((T)0, mat, 't', (T)1, *this);
return result;
//! multiply given sparse matrix with this vector from left
const NRVec operator*(const SparseMat<T> &mat) const {
NRVec<T> result(mat.ncols());
result.gemv((T)0, mat, 't', (T)1, *this);
return result;
//! compute the outer product of two vectors
const NRMat<T> otimes(const NRVec<T> &rhs, const bool conjugate = false, const T &scale = 1) const;
//! opeartor for outer product computation
inline const NRMat<T> operator|(const NRVec<T> &rhs) const { return otimes(rhs,true); };
//! compute the sum of the vector elements
inline const T sum() const {
T sum(v[0]);
for(register int i=1; i<nn; i++){ sum += v[i];}
return sum;
//! compute the product of the vector elements
inline const T prod() const {
T prod(v[0]);
for(register int i=1; i<nn; i++){ prod *= v[i];}
return prod;
//! permute vector elements
const NRVec permuted(const NRPerm<int> &p, const bool inverse=false) const;
void permuteme(const CyclePerm<int> &p); //in place
//! compute the sum of the absolute values of the elements of this vector
inline const typename LA_traits<T>::normtype asum() const;
//! indexing operator - index running from zero
inline T & operator[](const int i);
inline const T & operator[](const int i) const;
//! dummy routine
inline void setcoldim(int i) {};
//! get the pointer to the underlying data structure
inline operator T*();
//! get the constant pointer to the underlying data structure
inline operator const T*() const;
//! add up a scalar multiple of a given vector
void axpy(const T alpha, const NRVec &x);
//! add up a scalar multiple of a given vector with given stride
void axpy(const T alpha, const T *x, const int stride=1);
//! determine the number of elements
inline int size() const;
//! resize the current vector, optionally preserving data
void resize(const int n, const bool preserve=false);
//!deallocate the current vector
void dealloc(void) {resize(0);}
//! determine the norm of this vector
inline const typename LA_traits<T>::normtype norm(int length= -1, int offset=0, int stride=1) const;
//! normalize this vector and optionally save the norm
NRVec& normalize(typename LA_traits<T>::normtype* norm = 0);
//! get normalized copy of this vector
inline const NRVec unitvector() const;
//! find an element by value with threshold, first from left
const int find(const T &val) const;
const int findthr(const T &val, const typename LA_traits<T>::normtype &thr=0) const;
//! determine the maximal element (in the absolute value) of this vector
inline const T amax() const;
//! determine the minimal element (in the absolute value) of this vector
inline const T amin() const;
//! determine the maximal element of this vector
const T max() const;
//! determine the minimal element of this vector
const T min() const;
//! routine for formatted output
void fprintf(FILE *f, const char *format, const int modulo) const;
//! routine for unformatted output
void put(int fd, bool dimensions=1, bool transp=0) const;
//! routine for formatted input
void fscanf(FILE *f, const char *format);
//! routine for unformatted input
void get(int fd, bool dimensions=1, bool transp=0);
//! constructor creating vector from sparse matrix
explicit NRVec(const SparseMat<T> &rhs);
//! routine for compatibility with sparse types
inline void simplify() {};
//! determine whether the i<sup>th</sup> element is bigger than the j<sup>th</sup> element
bool bigger(int i, int j) const {
return LA_traits<T>::bigger(v[i], v[j]);
//! determine whether the i<sup>th</sup> element is bigger than the j<sup>th</sup> element
bool smaller(int i, int j) const {
return LA_traits<T>::smaller(v[i], v[j]);
//! swap the i<sup>th</sup> and j<sup>th</sup> element
void swap(int i, int j) {
const T tmp(v[i]);
v[i] = v[j];
v[j] = tmp;
//! sort by default in ascending order and return the parity of corresponding permutation resulting to this order
int sort(int direction = 0, int from = 0, int to = -1, int *perm = NULL);
int sort(int direction, NRPerm<int> &perm);
//! apply given function to each element
NRVec& call_on_me(T (*_F)(const T &) ){
for(int i=0; i<nn; ++i) v[i] = _F(v[i]);
return *this;
void swap(NRVec &rhs) //more efficient swap than via tmp and constructors and operator=
int tmpnn=nn; nn=rhs.nn; rhs.nn=tmpnn;
T *tmpv=v; v=rhs.v; rhs.v=tmpv;
int *tmpcount=count; count=rhs.count; rhs.count=tmpcount;
#ifdef CUDALA
GPUID tmplocation=location; location=rhs.location; rhs.location=tmplocation;
NRVec<typename LA_traits<T>::normtype> diffabs(const NRVec &rhs) const; //difference of absolute values
NRVec<typename LA_traits<T>::normtype> abs() const; //element-wise absolute values
* implements \c NRVec<T> functionality with indexing from 1
* all possible constructors have to be given explicitly, other stuff is inherited
* with exception of the operator() which differs
template<typename T>
class NRVec_from1 : public NRVec<T> {
NRVec_from1(): NRVec<T>() {};
template<int SIZE> NRVec_from1(const T (&a)[SIZE]) : NRVec<T>(a) {};
explicit NRVec_from1(const int n): NRVec<T>(n) {};
NRVec_from1(const NRVec<T> &rhs): NRVec<T>(rhs) {};//!< be able to convert the parent class transparently to this
NRVec_from1(const T &a, const int n): NRVec<T>(a, n) {};
NRVec_from1(const T *a, const int n): NRVec<T>(a, n) {};
inline const T& operator[] (const int i) const;
inline T& operator[] (const int i);
//due to mutual includes this has to be after full class declaration
#include "mat.h"
#include "smat.h"
#include "sparsemat.h"
#include "sparsesmat.h"
#include "qsort.h"
//needs NRVec_from1
#include "permutation.h"
namespace LA {
template<typename T>
int NRVec<T>::sort(int direction, int from, int to, int *perm) {
if(to == -1) to = nn - 1;
if(direction) return memqsort<1, NRVec<T>, int, int>(*this, perm, from, to);
else return memqsort<0, NRVec<T>, int, int>(*this, perm, from, to);
template<typename T>
int NRVec<T>::sort(int direction, NRPerm<int> &perm)
if(nn!=perm.size()) laerror("incompatible vector and permutation");
int r=sort(direction,0,nn-1,&perm[1]);
return r;
* indexing operator giving the element at given position with range checking in
* the DEBUG mode
* @param[in] i position of the required vector element (starting from 0)
* @return reference to the requested element
template <typename T>
inline T& NRVec_from1<T>::operator[](const int i) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if(_LA_count_check && *NRVec<T>::count != 1) laerror("possible use of NRVec[] with count>1 as l-value");
if(i < 1 || i > NRVec<T>::nn) laerror("out of range");
if(!NRVec<T>::v) laerror("unallocated NRVec");
return NRVec<T>::v[i-1];
* indexing operator giving the element at given position with range checking in
* the DEBUG mode
* @param[in] i position of the required vector element (starting from 0)
* @return constant reference to the requested element
template <typename T>
inline const T& NRVec_from1<T>::operator[](const int i) const {
#ifdef DEBUG
if(i < 1 || i > NRVec<T>::nn) laerror("out of range");
if(!NRVec<T>::v) laerror("unallocated NRVec");
return NRVec<T>::v[i-1];
* output operator
* @param[in,out] s output stream
* @param[in] x vector of general type intended for output
* @return modified stream
template <typename T>
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const NRVec<T> &x) {
#ifdef CUDALA
if(x.getlocation() == cpu){
const int n = x.size();
s << n << std::endl;
for(register int i = 0; i<n; i++){
s << (typename LA_traits_io<T>::IOtype)x[i] << (i == n-1 ? '\n' : ' ');
return s;
#ifdef CUDALA
NRVec<T> tmp(x);
return s << tmp;
* input operator
* @param[in,out] s input stream
* @param[in] x vector of general type intended for input
* @return modified stream
template <typename T>
std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &s, NRVec<T> &x) {
#ifdef CUDALA
if(x.getlocation() == cpu){
int i,n;
s >> n;
typename LA_traits_io<T>::IOtype tmp;
for(i=0; i<n; i++){
s >> tmp;
x[i] = tmp;
return s;
#ifdef CUDALA
NRVec<T> tmp;
s >> tmp;
x = tmp;
return s;
* inline constructor creating vector of given size filled with prescribed value
* @param[in] a value to be assigned to all vector elements
* @param[in] n required vector size
template <typename T>
inline NRVec<T>::NRVec(const T& a, const int n): nn(n), count(new int) {
*count = 1;
#ifdef CUDALA
location = DEFAULT_LOC;
if(location == cpu){
v = new T[n];
if(!LA_traits<T>::is_plaindata() || a != (T)0){
for(register int i=0; i<n; i++) v[i] = a;
memset(v, 0, nn*sizeof(T));
#ifdef CUDALA
v = (T*) gpualloc(n*sizeof(T));
if(!LA_traits<T>::is_plaindata()) laerror("only implemented for plain data");
smart_gpu_set(n, a, v);
* inline constructor creating vector from an array
template <typename T> template<int SIZE>
inline NRVec<T>::NRVec(const T (&a)[SIZE]) : count(new int) {
nn = SIZE;
*count = 1;
#ifdef CUDALA
location = DEFAULT_LOC;
if(location == cpu){
v = new T[nn];
if(LA_traits<T>::is_plaindata()) memcpy(v, a, nn*sizeof(T));
else for( int i=0; i<nn; i++) v[i] = a[i];
#ifdef CUDALA
v = (T*) gpualloc(nn*sizeof(T));
if(!LA_traits<T>::is_plaindata()) laerror("only implemented for plain data");
cublasSetVector(nn, sizeof(T), a, 1, v, 1);
* inline constructor creating vector of given size filled with given data
* @param[in] a pointer to the data
* @param[in] n required vector size
template <typename T>
inline NRVec<T>::NRVec(const T *a, const int n): nn(n), count(new int) {
#ifdef CUDALA
location = DEFAULT_LOC;
if(location == cpu) {
v = new T[n];
*count = 1;
if(LA_traits<T>::is_plaindata()) memcpy(v, a, n*sizeof(T));
else for( int i=0; i<n; i++) v[i] = a[i];
#ifdef CUDALA
v = (T*) gpualloc(n*sizeof(T));
if(!LA_traits<T>::is_plaindata()) laerror("only implemented for plain data");
cublasSetVector(n, sizeof(T), a, 1, v, 1);
* inline constructor creating vector of given size filled with given data
* @param[in] a pointer to the data
* @param[in] n required vector size
* @param[in] skeleton if equal to true, only the internal data pointer is modified
* and reference counter is set to two, i.e. no data deallocation occurs in destructor
template <typename T>
inline NRVec<T>::NRVec(T *a, const int n, bool skeleton) : nn(n), count(new int) {
#ifdef CUDALA
location = DEFAULT_LOC;
if(location == cpu){
v = new T[n];
*count = 1;
if(LA_traits<T>::is_plaindata()) memcpy(v, a, n*sizeof(T));
else for( int i=0; i<n; i++) v[i] = a[i];
#ifdef CUDALA
v= (T*) gpualloc(n*sizeof(T));
if(!LA_traits<T>::is_plaindata()) laerror("only implemented for plain data");
cublasSetVector(n, sizeof(T), a, 1, v, 1);
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location != cpu) laerror("NRVec() with skeleton option cannot be on GPU");
*count = 2;
v = a;
* inline copy constructor
* @param[in] rhs reference vector being copied
template <typename T>
inline NRVec<T>::NRVec(const NRVec<T> &rhs) {
#ifdef CUDALA
location = rhs.location;
v = rhs.v;
nn = rhs.nn;
count = rhs.count;
if(count) (*count)++;
* inline constructor interpreting symmetric matrix of order \f$n\f$ stored in packed form
* as a linear vector consisting of \f$n(n+1)/2\f$ elements
* @param[in] rhs symmetric matrix of type <code>NRSMat<T></code>
* @see NRSMat<T>
template <typename T>
inline NRVec<T>::NRVec(const NRSMat<T> &rhs) {
#ifdef CUDALA
location = rhs.location;
nn = rhs.nn;
//! using macro NN2 defined in smat.h
nn = NN2;
v = rhs.v;
count = rhs.count;
* adds given scalar value of type T to all vector elements
* @param[in] a scalar value being added
* @return reference to the modified vector
template <typename T>
inline NRVec<T> & NRVec<T>::operator+=(const T &a) {
if(a != (T)0){ for(register int i=0; i<nn; ++i) v[i] += a; }
return *this;
* subtracts given scalar value of type T from all vector elements
* @param[in] a scalar value being subtracted
* @return reference to the modified vector
template <typename T>
inline NRVec<T>& NRVec<T>::operator-=(const T &a) {
if(a != (T)0){ for(register int i=0; i<nn; ++i) v[i] -= a; }
return *this;
* adds a vector \f$\vec{y}\f$ of general type <code>T</code> to this vector \f$\vec{x}\f$
* \f[\vec{x}\leftarrow\vec{x}+\vec{y}\f]
* @param[in] rhs vector \f$\vec{y}\f$ of type <code>T</code>
* @return reference to the modified vector
template <typename T>
inline NRVec<T>& NRVec<T>::operator+=(const NRVec<T> &rhs) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("incompatible dimensions");
for(register int i=0; i<nn; ++i) v[i] += rhs.v[i];
return *this;
* multiplies this vector \f$\vec{y}\f$ componentwise by general vector \f$\vec{x}\f$
* \f[\vec{x}_i = \vec{x}_i\times\vec{y}_i\f]
* @param[in] rhs general vector \f$\vec{y}\f$
* @return reference to the modified vector
template <typename T>
inline NRVec<T>& NRVec<T>::operator*=(const NRVec<T>& rhs) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("incompatible dimensions");
for(register int i=0; i<nn; ++i) v[i] *= rhs.v[i];
return *this;
* divides this vector \f$\vec{y}\f$ componentwise by general vector \f$\vec{x}\f$
* \f[\vec{x}_i = \vec{x}_i\slash\vec{y}_i\f]
* @param[in] rhs general vector \f$\vec{y}\f$
* @return reference to the modified vector
template <typename T>
inline NRVec<T> & NRVec<T>::operator/=(const NRVec<T> &rhs) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("incompatible dimensions");
for(register int i=0; i<nn; ++i) v[i] /= rhs.v[i];
return *this;
* subtracts given vector \f$\vec{y}\f$ from this vector \f$\vec{x}\f$
* \f[\vec{x}_i = \vec{x}_i-\vec{y}_i\f]
* @param[in] rhs vector \f$\vec{y}\f$
* @return reference to the modified vector
template <typename T>
inline NRVec<T> & NRVec<T>::operator-=(const NRVec<T> &rhs) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("incompatible dimensions");
for(register int i=0; i<nn; ++i) v[i] -= rhs.v[i];
return *this;
* difference of elements of two vectors in absolute values
* \f[\vec{z}_i = \vec{x}_i-\vec{y}_i\f]
* @param[in] rhs vector \f$\vec{y}\f$
* @return reference to the modified vector
template <typename T>
NRVec<typename LA_traits<T>::normtype> NRVec<T>::diffabs(const NRVec<T> &rhs) const {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("incompatible dimensions");
NRVec<typename LA_traits<T>::normtype> r(nn);
for(int i=0; i<nn; ++i) r[i] = MYABS(v[i]) - MYABS(rhs.v[i]);
return r;
template <typename T>
NRVec<typename LA_traits<T>::normtype> NRVec<T>::abs() const {
NRVec<typename LA_traits<T>::normtype> r(nn);
for(int i=0; i<nn; ++i) r[i] = MYABS(v[i]);
return r;
* multiply this general vector \f$\vec{x}\f$ by scalar value \f$\lambda\f$
* \f[\vec{x}_i \leftarrow \lambda\vec{x}_i\f]
* @param[in] a scalar value \f$\lambda\f$
* @return reference to the modified vector
template <typename T>
inline NRVec<T> & NRVec<T>::operator*=(const T &a) {
for(register int i=0; i<nn; ++i) v[i] *= a;
return *this;
template <typename T>
inline NRVec<T> & NRVec<T>::operator/=(const T &a) {
for(register int i=0; i<nn; ++i) v[i] /= a;
return *this;
* compute scalar product \f$d\f$ of this vector \f$\vec{x}\f$ of general type <code>T</code>
* with given vector \f$\vec{y}\f$ of type <code>T</code> and order \f$N\f$
* \f[d = \sum_{i=1}^N\vec{x}_i\cdot\vec{y}_i\f]
* @param[in] rhs general vector \f$\vec{y}\f$
* @return reference to the modified vector
template<typename T>
inline const T NRVec<T>::operator*(const NRVec<T> &rhs) const {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("incompatible dimensions");
T dot(0);
for(register int i=0; i<nn; ++i) dot += v[i]*rhs.v[i];
return dot;
* indexing operator giving the element at given position with range checking in
* the DEBUG mode
* @param[in] i position of the required vector element (starting from 0)
* @return reference to the requested element
template <typename T>
inline T& NRVec<T>::operator[](const int i) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if(_LA_count_check && *count != 1) laerror("possible use of NRVec[] with count>1 as l-value");
if(i < 0 || i >= nn) laerror("out of range");
if(!v) laerror("unallocated NRVec");
return v[i];
* indexing operator giving the element at given position with range checking in
* the DEBUG mode
* @param[in] i position of the required vector element (starting from 0)
* @return constant reference to the requested element
template <typename T>
inline const T& NRVec<T>::operator[](const int i) const {
#ifdef DEBUG
if(i < 0 || i >= nn) laerror("out of range");
if(!v) laerror("unallocated NRVec");
return v[i];
* determine the number of elements of this vector
* @return length of this vector
template <typename T>
inline int NRVec<T>::size() const {
return nn;
* get the pointer to the underlying data of this vector
* @return pointer to the first vector element
template <typename T>
inline NRVec<T>::operator T*() {
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!v) laerror("unallocated NRVec");
return v;
* get the constant pointer to the underlying data of this vector
* @return constant pointer to the first vector element
template <typename T>
inline NRVec<T>::operator const T*() const {
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!v) laerror("unallocated NRVec");
return v;
* create normalized copy of this vector
* @return copy of this vector after normalization
* @see NRVec<T>::normalize()
template <typename T>
inline const NRVec<T> NRVec<T>::unitvector() const {
return NRVec<T>(*this).normalize();
* generate operators involving vector and scalar
* generate operators involving vector and vector
* destructor for general vector decreases the reference count and performs
* deallocation if neccessary
template <typename T>
NRVec<T>::~NRVec() {
if(!count) return;
if(--(*count) <= 0) {
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
delete[] v;
#ifdef CUDALA
}else{ gpufree(v); }
delete count;
* make own copy of the underlying data connected with this vector
template <typename T>
void NRVec<T>::copyonwrite(bool detachonly) {
if(nn) laerror("nonempty vector without reference count encountered");
if(_LA_warn_empty_copyonwrite) std::cout <<"Warning: copyonwrite of empty vector\n";
if(*count > 1) {
count = new int;
*count = 1;
T *newv;
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
newv = new T[nn];
if(LA_traits<T>::is_plaindata()) memcpy(newv, v, nn*sizeof(T));
for(int i=0; i<nn; ++i) {newv[i]=v[i]; LA_traits<T>::copyonwrite(newv[i]);}
#ifdef CUDALA
if(!LA_traits<T>::is_plaindata()) laerror("nested types not supported on gpu memory");
newv = (T *) gpualloc(nn*sizeof(T));
if(sizeof(T)%sizeof(float) != 0) laerror("memory alignment problem in NRVec<T>::copyonwrite()");
if(!detachonly) cublasScopy(nn*sizeof(T)/sizeof(float), (const float *) v, 1, (float *)newv, 1);
v = newv;
* assigns general vector \f$\vec{y}\f$ to this vector \f$\vec{x}\f$
* \li checks for self-assignment
* \li decreases the reference count and performs deallocation if neccesary
* \li links the internal data structures with corresponding properties of vector \f$\vec{y}\f$
* \li updates the reference count properly
template <typename T>
NRVec<T> & NRVec<T>::operator=(const NRVec<T> &rhs) {
//check for self-assignment
if(this != &rhs){
if(--(*count) == 0){
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
delete[] v;
#ifdef CUDALA
delete count;
v = rhs.v;
nn = rhs.nn;
count = rhs.count;
#ifdef CUDALA
location = rhs.location;
if(count){ (*count)++; }
return *this;
* resizes this vector
* @param[in] n requested size
template <typename T>
void NRVec<T>::resize(const int n, const bool preserve)
#ifdef DEBUG
if(n < 0) laerror("illegal dimension in NRVec::resize");
T *vold=0;
int nnold=0;
bool preserved=false;
bool do_delete=false;
if(count) //we are allocated
if(n == 0) //just deallocate
if(--(*count) <= 0)
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
delete[] (v);
#ifdef CUDALA
delete count;
count = 0;
nn = 0;
v = 0;
if(*count > 1) //detach from shared data
count = 0;
v = 0;
nn = 0;
if(!count) //we were not allocated or we just detached
count = new int;
*count = 1;
nn = n;
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu)
v = new T[nn];
#ifdef CUDALA
v = (T*) gpualloc(nn*sizeof(T));
if(preserved && preserve) goto do_preserve;
// *count == 1 in this branch
if (n == nn) return; //nothing to do
nn = n;
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu)
if(preserve) {vold=v; preserved= do_delete=true;} else delete[] v;
v = new T[nn];
#ifdef CUDALA
if(preserve) {vold=v; d preserved= o_delete=true;} else gpufree(v);
v = (T*) gpualloc(nn*sizeof(T));
if(!preserve) return;
//copy data from old location and zero excess allocated memory
if(!preserve || !preserved) laerror("assertion failed in NRVec::resize");
// omit this check since we would need to have traits for presently unknown user defined classes
// if(!LA_traits<T>::is_plaindata()) laerror("do not know how to preserve non-plain data");
int nnmin=nnold;
if(nn<nnmin) nnmin=nn;
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu)
for(int i=0; i<nnmin; ++i) v[i]=vold[i]; //preserve even non-plain data classes
if(nn>nnold) memset(v+nnold,0,(nn-nnold)*sizeof(T)); //just zero the new memory
if(do_delete) delete[] vold;
#ifdef CUDALA
//!!!works only with plain data
cublasSetVector(nnmin, sizeof(T), vold, 1, v, 1);
T a(0);
if(nn>nnold) smart_gpu_set(nn-nnold, a, v+nnold);
if(do_delete) gpufree(vold);
* perfrom deep copy
* @param[in] rhs vector being copied
* @see NRVec<T>::copyonwrite()
template <typename T>
NRVec<T> & NRVec<T>::operator|=(const NRVec<T> &rhs) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!rhs.v) laerror("unallocated vector");
if(this == &rhs) return *this;
*this = rhs;
return *this;
* complexify given vector of general type <code>T</code>, i.e. convert its
* elements to type <code>complex<T></code>
* @param[in] rhs vector being complexified
* @see NRVec<T>::copyonwrite()
template<typename T>
NRVec<std::complex<T> > complexify(const NRVec<T> &rhs) {
NRVec<std::complex<T> > r(rhs.size(), rhs.getlocation());
for(register int i=0; i<rhs.size(); ++i) r[i] = rhs[i];
return r;
template<> NRVec<std::complex<double> > complexify<double>(const NRVec<double> &rhs);
* routine for moving vector data between CPU and GPU memory
* @param[in] dest required location
* @see NRVec<T>::location, NRVec<T>::getlocation()
#ifdef CUDALA
template<typename T>
void NRVec<T>::moveto(const GPUID dest) {
if(location == dest) return;
CPU_GPU(location, dest);
location = dest;
if(v && !count) laerror("internal");
if (!count) return;
if(v && *count == 0) laerror("internal");
if(!v) return;
T *vold = v;
if(dest == cpu){ // moving from GPU to CPU
v = new T[nn];
if(*count == 1) gpufree(vold);
else {--(*count); count = new int(1);}
}else{ // moving from CPU to GPU
v = (T *) gpualloc(nn*sizeof(T));
if(*count == 1) delete[] vold;
else {--(*count); count = new int(1);}
* adds a real scalar value \f$\alpha\f$ to all elements of this real vector \f$\vec{x}\f$
* \f[\vec{x}_i\leftarrow\vec{x}_i+\alpha\f]
* @param[in] a real scalar value \f$\alpha\f$ being added
* @return reference to the modified vector
inline NRVec<double>& NRVec<double>::operator+=(const double &a) {
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
cblas_daxpy(nn, 1.0, &a, 0, v, 1);
#ifdef CUDALA
double *d = gpuputdouble(a);
cublasDaxpy(nn, 1.0, d, 0, v, 1);
return *this;
* adds a complex scalar value \f$\alpha\f$ to all elements of this complex vector \f$\vec{x}\f$
* \f[\vec{x}_i\leftarrow\vec{x}_i+\alpha\f]
* @param[in] a complex scalar value \f$\alpha\f$ being added
* @return reference to the modified vector
inline NRVec<std::complex<double> >& NRVec<std::complex<double> >::operator+=(const std::complex<double> &a) {
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
cblas_zaxpy(nn, &CONE, &a, 0, v, 1);
#ifdef CUDALA
std::complex<double> *d = gpuputcomplex(a);
cublasZaxpy(nn, CUONE, (cuDoubleComplex *)d, 0, (cuDoubleComplex *)v, 1);
return *this;
* subtracts a real scalar value \f$\alpha\f$ from all elements of this real vector \f$\vec{x}\f$
* \f[\vec{x}_i\leftarrow\vec{x}_i-\alpha\f]
* @param[in] a real scalar value \f$\alpha\f$ being subtracted
* @return reference to the modified vector
inline NRVec<double>& NRVec<double>::operator-=(const double &a) {
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
cblas_daxpy(nn, -1.0, &a, 0, v, 1);
#ifdef CUDALA
double *d = gpuputdouble(a);
cublasDaxpy(nn, -1.0, d, 0, v, 1);
return *this;
* subtracts a complex scalar value \f$\alpha\f$ from all elements of this complex vector \f$\vec{x}\f$
* \f[\vec{x}_i\leftarrow\vec{x}_i-\alpha\f]
* @param[in] a complex scalar value \f$\alpha\f$ being subtracted
* @return reference to the modified vector
inline NRVec<std::complex<double> >& NRVec<std::complex<double> >::operator-=(const std::complex<double> &a) {
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
cblas_zaxpy(nn, &CMONE, &a, 0, v, 1);
#ifdef CUDALA
std::complex<double> *d = gpuputcomplex(a);
cublasZaxpy(nn, CUMONE, (cuDoubleComplex *)d, 0, (cuDoubleComplex *)v, 1);
return *this;
* adds a real vector \f$\vec{y}\f$ to this real vector \f$\vec{x}\f$
* \f[\vec{x}\leftarrow\vec{x}+\vec{y}\f]
* @param[in] rhs real vector \f$\vec{y}\f$
* @return reference to the modified vector
inline NRVec<double>& NRVec<double>::operator+=(const NRVec<double> &rhs) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("incompatible dimensions");
SAME_LOC(*this, rhs);
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
cblas_daxpy(nn, 1.0, rhs.v, 1, v, 1);
#ifdef CUDALA
cublasDaxpy(nn, 1.0, rhs.v, 1, v, 1);
return *this;
* adds a complex vector \f$\vec{y}\f$ to this complex vector \f$\vec{x}\f$
* \f[\vec{x}\leftarrow\vec{x}+\vec{y}\f]
* @param[in] rhs complex vector \f$\vec{y}\f$
* @return reference to the modified vector
inline NRVec<std::complex<double> >& NRVec<std::complex<double> >::operator+=(const NRVec<std::complex<double> > &rhs) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("incompatible dimensions");
SAME_LOC(*this, rhs);
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
cblas_zaxpy(nn, &CONE, rhs.v, 1, v, 1);
#ifdef CUDALA
cublasZaxpy(nn, CUONE, (cuDoubleComplex*)rhs.v, 1, (cuDoubleComplex*)v, 1);
return *this;
* subtracts a real vector \f$\vec{y}\f$ from this real vector \f$\vec{x}\f$
* \f[\vec{x}\leftarrow\vec{x}-\vec{y}\f]
* @param[in] rhs real vector \f$\vec{y}\f$
* @return reference to the modified vector
inline NRVec<double> & NRVec<double>::operator-=(const NRVec<double> &rhs) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("incompatible dimensions");
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
cblas_daxpy(nn, -1.0, rhs.v, 1, v, 1);
#ifdef CUDALA
cublasDaxpy(nn, -1.0, rhs.v, 1, v, 1);
return *this;
* subtracts a complex vector \f$\vec{y}\f$ from this complex vector \f$\vec{x}\f$
* \f[\vec{x}\leftarrow\vec{x}-\vec{y}\f]
* @param[in] rhs double-precision complex vector \f$\vec{y}\f$
* @return reference to the modified vector
inline NRVec<std::complex<double> >& NRVec<std::complex<double> >::operator-=(const NRVec<std::complex<double> > &rhs) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("incompatible dimensions");
SAME_LOC(*this, rhs);
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
cblas_zaxpy(nn, &CMONE, rhs.v, 1, v, 1);
#ifdef CUDALA
cublasZaxpy(nn, CUMONE, (cuDoubleComplex*)rhs.v, 1, (cuDoubleComplex*)v, 1);
return *this;
* multiplies this real vector \f$\vec{x}\f$ by a real scalar value \f$\alpha\f$
* \f[\vec{x}_i\leftarrow\alpha\vec{x}_i\f]
* @param[in] a real scalar value \f$\alpha\f$
* @return reference to the modified vector
inline NRVec<double>& NRVec<double>::operator*=(const double &a) {
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
cblas_dscal(nn, a, v, 1);
#ifdef CUDALA
cublasDscal(nn, a, v, 1);
return *this;
inline NRVec<double>& NRVec<double>::operator/=(const double &a) {return *this *= (1./a);}
* multiplies this complex vector \f$\vec{x}\f$ by a complex scalar value \f$\alpha\f$
* \f[\vec{x}_i\leftarrow\alpha\vec{x}_i\f]
* @param[in] a complex scalar value \f$\alpha\f$
* @return reference to the modified vector
inline NRVec<std::complex<double> >& NRVec<std::complex<double> >::operator*=(const std::complex<double> &a) {
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
cblas_zscal(nn, &a, v, 1);
#ifdef CUDALA
const cuDoubleComplex alpha = make_cuDoubleComplex(a.real(), a.imag());
cublasZscal(nn, alpha, (cuDoubleComplex*)v, 1);
return *this;
inline NRVec<std::complex<double> >& NRVec<std::complex<double> >::operator/=(const std::complex<double> &a) {return *this *= (1./a);}
* computes the inner product of this real vector \f$\vec{x}\f$ with given real vector \f$\vec{y]\f$
* @param[in] rhs real vector \f$\vec{y}\f$
* @return \f$\sum_{i=1}^N\vec{x}_i\cdot\vec{y}_i\f$
inline const double NRVec<double>::operator*(const NRVec<double> &rhs) const {
double ret(0.0);
#ifdef DEBUG
if(nn != rhs.nn) laerror("incompatible dimensions");
SAME_LOC(*this, rhs);
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
ret = cblas_ddot(nn, v, 1, rhs.v, 1);
#ifdef CUDALA
ret = cublasDdot(nn, v, 1, rhs.v, 1);
return ret;
* computes the inner product of this complex vector \f$\vec{x}\f$ with given complex vector \f$\vec{y}\f$
* taking conjugation of vector \f$\vec{x}\f$ into account
* @param[in] rhs complex vector \f$\vec{y}\f$
* @return \f$\sum_{i=1}^N\overbar{\vec{x}_i}\cdot\vec{y}_i\f$
inline const std::complex<double> NRVec<std::complex<double> >::operator*(const NRVec< std::complex<double> > &rhs) const {
#ifdef DEBUG
if(nn != rhs.nn) laerror("incompatible dimensions");
std::complex<double> dot;
SAME_LOC(*this, rhs);
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
cblas_zdotc_sub(nn, v, 1, rhs.v, 1, &dot);
#ifdef CUDALA
const cuDoubleComplex val = cublasZdotc(nn, (cuDoubleComplex*)v, 1, (cuDoubleComplex*)rhs.v, 1);
dot = std::complex<double>(cuCreal(val), cuCimag(val));
return dot;
* computes the inner product of this real vector \f$\vec{x}\f$ with given real data
* @param[in] y pointer to the double-precision real array (sufficient length assumed)
* @param[in] stride specifies the stride regarding the data pointe to by <tt>y</tt>
* @return \f$\sum_{i=1}^N\vec{x}_{i}\cdot y_{\mathrm{stride}\cdot(i-1) + 1}\f$
inline const double NRVec<double>::dot(const double *y, const int stride) const {
return cblas_ddot(nn, y, stride, v, 1);
* computes the inner product of this complex vector \f$\vec{x}\f$ with given complex data
* @param[in] y pointer to the double-precision complex array (sufficient length assumed)
* @param[in] stride specifies the stride regarding the data pointe to by <tt>y</tt>
* @return \f$\sum_{i=1}^N\vec{x}_{i}\cdot \overbar{y_{\mathrm{stride}\cdot(i-1) + 1}}\f$
inline const std::complex<double> NRVec<std::complex<double> >::dot(const std::complex<double> *y, const int stride) const {
std::complex<double> dot;
cblas_zdotc_sub(nn, y, stride, v, 1, &dot);
return dot;
* computes the sum of the absolute values of the elements of this real vector \f$\vec{x}\f$
* @return \f$\sum_{i=1}^N\left|\vec{x}_i\right|\f$
inline const double NRVec<double>::asum() const {
double ret(0.0);
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
ret = cblas_dasum(nn, v, 1);
#ifdef CUDALA
ret = cublasDasum(nn, v, 1);
return ret;
* for this complex vector \f$\vec{x}\f$ compute the expression
* \f[\sum_{i=1}^N\left|\Re{}\vec{x}_i\right| + \left|\Im{}\vec{x}_i\right|\f]
* @return the value of this sum
inline const double NRVec<std::complex<double> >::asum() const {
double ret(0.0);
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
ret = cblas_dzasum(nn, v, 1);
#ifdef CUDALA
ret = cublasDzasum(nn, (cuDoubleComplex*)v, 1);
return ret;
* for this real vector \f$\vec{x}\f$ (of \f$N\f$ elements) determine the Frobenius norm
* @return \f$\sum_{i=1}^N\left|\vec{x}_i\right|^2\f$
inline const double NRVec<double>::norm(int length, int offset, int stride) const {
double ret(0.);
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
ret = cblas_dnrm2((length>=0?length:nn), v+offset, stride);
#ifdef CUDALA
ret = cublasDnrm2((length>=0?length:nn), v+offset, stride);
return ret;
* for this complex vector \f$\vec{x}\f$ (of \f$N\f$ elements) determine the Frobenius norm
* @return \f$\sum_{i=1}^N\left|\vec{x}_i\right|^2\f$
inline const double NRVec< std::complex<double> >::norm(int length, int offset, int stride) const {
double ret(0.);
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
ret = cblas_dznrm2((length>=0?length:nn), v+offset, stride);
#ifdef CUDALA
ret = cublasDznrm2((length>=0?length:nn), ((cuDoubleComplex*)v)+offset, stride);
return ret;
* for this real vector \f$\vec{x}\f$ determine the element with largest absolute value
* @return \f$\vec{x}_i\f$ where \f$\left|\vec{x]_i\right|=\mathrm{max}_{j}\left|\vec{x}_{j}\right|\f$
inline const double NRVec<double>::amax() const {
double ret(0.0);
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
ret = v[cblas_idamax(nn, v, 1) - 1];
#ifdef CUDALA
const int pozice = cublasIdamax(nn, v, 1) - 1;
gpuget(1, sizeof(double), v + pozice, &ret);
return ret;
* for this real vector \f$\vec{x}\f$ determine the element with smallest absolute value
* @return \f$\vec{x}_i\f$ where \f$\left|\vec{x]_i\right|=\mathrm{min}_{j}\left|\vec{x}_{j}\right|\f$
inline const double NRVec<double>::amin() const {
double ret(std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
//BLAS routine idamin seems no to be supported
double val(0.0);
int index(-1);
for(register int i = 0; i < nn; i++){
val = std::abs(v[i]);
if(val < ret){ index = i; ret = val; }
ret = v[index];
#ifdef CUDALA
const int pozice = cublasIdamin(nn, v, 1) - 1;
gpuget(1, sizeof(double), v + pozice, &ret);
return ret;
* for a given complex vector \f$\vec{v}\f$, determine the smallest index of the maximum
* magnitude element, i.e. maximal element in the 1-norm
* @return \f$\vec{v}_{j}\f$ which maximizes \f$\left\{\left|\Re{}\vec{v}_{i}\right|+\left|\Im{}\vec{v}_{i}\right|\right}\f$
inline const std::complex<double> NRVec<std::complex<double> >::amax() const {
std::complex<double> ret(0., 0.);
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
ret = v[cblas_izamax(nn, v, 1) - 1];
#ifdef CUDALA
const int pozice = cublasIzamax(nn, (cuDoubleComplex*)v, 1) - 1;
gpuget(1, sizeof(std::complex<double>), v + pozice, &ret);
return ret;
* for a given complex vector \f$\vec{v}\f$, determine the smallest index of the minimum
* magnitude element, i.e. minimal element in the 1-norm
* @return \f$\vec{v}_{j}\f$ which minimizes \f$\left\{\left|\Re{}\vec{v}_{i}\right|+\left|\Im{}\vec{v}_{i}\right|\right}\f$
inline const std::complex<double> NRVec<std::complex<double> >::amin() const {
std::complex<double> ret(0., 0.);
#ifdef CUDALA
if(location == cpu){
// izamin seems not to be supported
int index(0);
double val(0.0), min_val(std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
std::complex<double> z_val(0.0, 0.0);
for(register int i=0; i < nn; i++){
z_val = v[i];
val = std::abs(z_val.real()) + std::abs(z_val.imag());
if(val < min_val){ index = i; min_val = val; }
ret = v[index];
#ifdef CUDALA
const int pozice = cublasIzamin(nn, (cuDoubleComplex*)v, 1) - 1;
gpuget(1, sizeof(std::complex<double>), v + pozice, &ret);
return ret;
#endif /* _LA_VEC_H_ */