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LA: linear algebra C++ interface library
Copyright (C) 2021 Jiri Pittner <> or <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "la_traits.h"
#include "vec.h"
//permutations are always numbered from 1; offset is employed when applied to vectors and matrices
namespace LA {
//forward declaration
template <typename T> class NRVec_from1;
template <typename T> class CyclePerm;
template <typename T> class Partition;
template <typename T>
class NRPerm : public NRVec_from1<T> {
//basic constructors
NRPerm(): NRVec_from1<T>() {};
NRPerm(const int n) : NRVec_from1<T>(n) {};
NRPerm(const NRVec_from1<T> &rhs): NRVec_from1<T>(rhs) {};
NRPerm(const T &a, const int n): NRVec_from1<T>(a, n) {};
NRPerm(const T *a, const int n): NRVec_from1<T>(a, n) {};
explicit NRPerm(const CyclePerm<T> &rhs, const int n=0);
//specific operations
void identity();
bool is_valid() const; //is it really a permutation
bool is_identity() const;
NRPerm inverse() const;
NRPerm operator*(const NRPerm q) const; //q is rhs and applied first, this applied second
NRPerm conjugate_by(const NRPerm q) const; //q^-1 p q
int parity() const;
void randomize(void); //uniformly random by Fisher-Yates shuffle
//@@@next permutation
//@@@lex rank
//@@@inversion tables
//permutations represented in the cycle format
template <typename T>
class CyclePerm : public NRVec_from1<NRVec_from1<T> > {
CyclePerm() : NRVec_from1<NRVec_from1<T> >() {};
explicit CyclePerm(const NRPerm<T> &rhs);
bool is_valid() const; //is it really a permutation
bool is_identity() const; //no cycles of length > 1
CyclePerm inverse() const; //reverse all cycles
int parity() const; //negative if having odd number of even-length cycles
T max() const {T m=0; for(int i=1; i<=this->size(); ++i) {T mm= (*this)[i].max(); if(mm>m) m=mm;} return m;}
Partition<T> cycles(const T n) const;
void readfrom(const std::string &line);
CyclePerm operator*(const CyclePerm q) const; //q is rhs and applied first, this applied second
template <typename T>
std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &s, CyclePerm<T> &x);
template <typename T>
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const CyclePerm<T> &x);
//partitions stored as #of 1s, #of 2s, etc.
template <typename T>
class Partition : public NRVec_from1<T> {
Partition(): NRVec_from1<T>() {};
Partition(const int n) : NRVec_from1<T>(n) {};
T sum() const {T s=0; for(T i=1; i<=this->size(); ++i) s += i*(*this)[i]; return s;}
T nparts() const {T s=0; for(T i=1; i<=this->size(); ++i) s += (*this)[i]; return s;}
T nclasses() const {T s=0; for(T i=1; i<=this->size(); ++i) if((*this)[i]) ++s; return s;}
bool is_valid() const {return this->size() == this->sum();}
//@@@generate all partitions,
//@@@enumerator of partitions of n to r parts and total
//@@@adjoint partition,
//@@@output formatted as in the group character table
//@@@Sn character table computation