2004-03-17 03:07:21 +00:00

304 lines
7.9 KiB

#ifndef _LA_SMAT_H_
#define _LA_SMAT_H_
#include "vec.h"
#include "mat.h"
#define NN2 (nn*(nn+1)/2)
template <class T>
class NRSMat { // symmetric or complex hermitean matrix in packed form
int nn;
T *v;
int *count;
friend class NRVec<T>;
friend class NRMat<T>;
inline NRSMat<T>::NRSMat() : nn(0),v(0),count(0) {};
inline explicit NRSMat(const int n); // Zero-based array
inline NRSMat(const T &a, const int n); //Initialize to constant
inline NRSMat(const T *a, const int n); // Initialize to array
inline NRSMat(const NRSMat &rhs); // Copy constructor
explicit NRSMat(const NRMat<T> &rhs); // symmetric part of general matrix
explicit NRSMat(const NRVec<T> &rhs, const int n); //construct matrix from vector
NRSMat & operator|=(const NRSMat &rhs); //assignment to a new copy
NRSMat & operator=(const NRSMat &rhs); //assignment
NRSMat & operator=(const T &a); //assign a to diagonal
inline NRSMat & operator*=(const T &a);
inline NRSMat & operator+=(const T &a);
inline NRSMat & operator-=(const T &a);
inline NRSMat & operator+=(const NRSMat &rhs);
inline NRSMat & operator-=(const NRSMat &rhs);
const NRSMat operator-() const; //unary minus
inline int getcount() const {return count?*count:0;}
inline const NRSMat operator*(const T &a) const;
inline const NRSMat operator+(const T &a) const;
inline const NRSMat operator-(const T &a) const;
inline const NRSMat operator+(const NRSMat &rhs) const;
inline const NRSMat operator-(const NRSMat &rhs) const;
inline const NRMat<T> operator+(const NRMat<T> &rhs) const;
inline const NRMat<T> operator-(const NRMat<T> &rhs) const;
const NRMat<T> operator*(const NRSMat &rhs) const; // SMat*SMat
const NRMat<T> operator*(const NRMat<T> &rhs) const; // SMat*Mat
const T dot(const NRSMat &rhs) const; // Smat.Smat
const NRVec<T> operator*(const NRVec<T> &rhs) const;
inline const T& operator[](const int ij) const;
inline T& operator[](const int ij);
inline const T& operator()(const int i, const int j) const;
inline T& operator()(const int i, const int j);
inline int nrows() const;
inline int ncols() const;
const double norm(const T scalar=(T)0) const;
void axpy(const T alpha, const NRSMat &x); // this+= a*x
inline const T amax() const;
const T trace() const;
void copyonwrite();
void resize(const int n);
inline operator T*(); //get a pointer to the data
inline operator const T*() const; //get a pointer to the data
void fprintf(FILE *f, const char *format, const int modulo) const;
void fscanf(FILE *f, const char *format);
//members concerning sparse matrix
explicit NRSMat(const SparseMat<T> &rhs); // dense from sparse
inline void simplify() {}; //just for compatibility with sparse ones
// ctors
template <typename T>
inline NRSMat<T>::NRSMat(const int n) : nn(n), v(new T[NN2]),
count(new int) {*count = 1;}
template <typename T>
inline NRSMat<T>::NRSMat(const T& a, const int n) : nn(n),
v(new T[NN2]), count(new int)
*count =1;
if(a != (T)0) for(int i=0; i<NN2; i++) v[i] = a;
template <typename T>
inline NRSMat<T>::NRSMat(const T *a, const int n) : nn(n),
v(new T[NN2]), count(new int)
*count = 1;
memcpy(v, a, NN2*sizeof(T));
template <typename T>
inline NRSMat<T>::NRSMat(const NRSMat<T> &rhs) //copy constructor
v = rhs.v;
nn = rhs.nn;
count = rhs.count;
if (count) (*count)++;
template <typename T>
NRSMat<T>::NRSMat(const NRVec<T> &rhs, const int n) // type conversion
nn = n;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (NN2 != rhs.size())
laerror("matrix dimensions incompatible with vector length");
count = rhs.count;
v = rhs.v;
// S *= a
inline NRSMat<double> & NRSMat<double>::operator*=(const double & a)
cblas_dscal(NN2, a, v, 1);
return *this;
inline NRSMat< complex<double> > &
NRSMat< complex<double> >::operator*=(const complex<double> & a)
cblas_zscal(nn, (void *)(&a), (void *)v, 1);
return *this;
// S += D
template <typename T>
inline NRSMat<T> & NRSMat<T>::operator+=(const T &a)
for (int i=0; i<nn; i++) v[i*(i+1)/2+i] += a;
return *this;
// S -= D
template <typename T>
inline NRSMat<T> & NRSMat<T>::operator-=(const T &a)
for (int i=0; i<nn; i++) v[i*(i+1)/2+i] -= a;
return *this;
// S += S
inline NRSMat<double> &
NRSMat<double>::operator+=(const NRSMat<double> & rhs)
#ifdef DEBUG
if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("incompatible SMats in SMat::operator+=");
cblas_daxpy(NN2, 1.0, rhs.v, 1, v, 1);
return *this;
NRSMat< complex<double> > &
NRSMat< complex<double> >::operator+=(const NRSMat< complex<double> > & rhs)
#ifdef DEBUG
if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("incompatible SMats in SMat::operator+=");
cblas_zaxpy(NN2, (void *)(&CONE), (void *)(&rhs.v), 1, (void *)(&v), 1);
return *this;
// S -= S
inline NRSMat<double> &
NRSMat<double>::operator-=(const NRSMat<double> & rhs)
#ifdef DEBUG
if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("incompatible SMats in SMat::operator-=");
cblas_daxpy(NN2, -1.0, rhs.v, 1, v, 1);
return *this;
inline NRSMat< complex<double> > &
NRSMat< complex<double> >::operator-=(const NRSMat< complex<double> > & rhs)
#ifdef DEBUG
if (nn != rhs.nn) laerror("incompatible SMats in SMat::operator-=");
cblas_zaxpy(NN2, (void *)(&CMONE), (void *)(&rhs.v), 1, (void *)(&v), 1);
return *this;
// SMat + Mat
template <typename T>
inline const NRMat<T> NRSMat<T>::operator+(const NRMat<T> &rhs) const
return NRMat<T>(rhs) += *this;
// SMat - Mat
template <typename T>
inline const NRMat<T> NRSMat<T>::operator-(const NRMat<T> &rhs) const
return NRMat<T>(-rhs) += *this;
// access the element, linear array case
template <typename T>
inline T & NRSMat<T>::operator[](const int ij)
#ifdef DEBUG
if (*count != 1) laerror("lval [] with count > 1 in Smat");
if (ij<0 || ij>=NN2) laerror("SMat [] out of range");
if (!v) laerror("[] for unallocated Smat");
return v[ij];
template <typename T>
inline const T & NRSMat<T>::operator[](const int ij) const
#ifdef DEBUG
if (ij<0 || ij>=NN2) laerror("SMat [] out of range");
if (!v) laerror("[] for unallocated Smat");
return v[ij];
// access the element, 2-dim array case
template <typename T>
inline T & NRSMat<T>::operator()(const int i, const int j)
#ifdef DEBUG
if (*count != 1) laerror("lval (i,j) with count > 1 in Smat");
if (i<0 || i>=nn || j<0 || j>=nn) laerror("SMat (i,j) out of range");
if (!v) laerror("(i,j) for unallocated Smat");
return i>=j ? v[i*(i+1)/2+j] : v[j*(j+1)/2+i];
template <typename T>
inline const T & NRSMat<T>::operator()(const int i, const int j) const
#ifdef DEBUG
if (i<0 || i>=nn || j<0 || j>=nn) laerror("SMat (i,j) out of range");
if (!v) laerror("(i,j) for unallocated Smat");
return i>=j ? v[i*(i+1)/2+j] : v[j*(j+1)/2+i];
// return the number of rows and columns
template <typename T>
inline int NRSMat<T>::nrows() const
return nn;
template <typename T>
inline int NRSMat<T>::ncols() const
return nn;
// max value
inline const double NRSMat<double>::amax() const
return v[cblas_idamax(NN2, v, 1)];
inline const complex<double> NRSMat< complex<double> >::amax() const
return v[cblas_izamax(NN2, (void *)v, 1)];
// reference pointer to Smat
template <typename T>
inline NRSMat<T>:: operator T*()
#ifdef DEBUG
if (!v) laerror("unallocated SMat in operator T*");
return v;
template <typename T>
inline NRSMat<T>:: operator const T*() const
#ifdef DEBUG
if (!v) laerror("unallocated SMat in operator T*");
return v;
// I/O
template <typename T> extern ostream& operator<<(ostream &s, const NRSMat<T> &x);
template <typename T> extern istream& operator>>(istream &s, NRSMat<T> &x);
// generate operators: SMat + a, a + SMat, SMat * a
// generate SMat + SMat, SMat - SMat
#endif /* _LA_SMAT_H_ */